Chapter 971 The Abacus Is Really Good
In front of the gate of Nanyang City, a dense crowd of officials gathered together. While talking, these officials looked towards the official road ahead.

"When will Lord Yanling arrive?"

"I have received the news before, and it will arrive soon, so why worry?"

"Will Lord Yanling make things difficult for our Nanyang City officials?"

"No way, I didn't hear who the prince was embarrassing on this journey, why did he embarrass us when we arrived in Nanyang?"

After the official finished speaking, someone else glanced at him, then at a carriage behind him, and then the speaker fell silent.

They had inquired before, and heard that King Xiangjun had an old grievance with the prince of Yanling. Before that, Princess Yanling was supposed to be the wife of the emperor's eldest grandson. Later, because some unbearable things happened on the wedding day, the emperor The eldest grandson divorced Princess Yanling, and finally the Holy Majesty pointed Princess Yanling into the Palace of Yanling.

Who knew that the two of them saw each other right, the prince especially valued the concubine.

Now that they are in Nanyang, won't they make things difficult for them?

Many officials present became worried and whispered.

In a carriage behind the officials, there is a person sitting upright at this time. This person has a thin face, brows and eyes are pale, and he seems not to have heard the discussions of the officials outside. Knock on the square table in the carriage.

The Holy One sent Yan Heng to Nanyang City, is this intended to make the two of them fight?

This calculation is really good, but it's a pity that Yan Heng and he are not fools, even if they don't like each other, they will never fight at this time.

Just as Yu Wenye was thinking about it, a surprised voice from an official came in from outside: "Here it is, Prince Yanling's car is coming."

Yu Wenye's subordinate Xiaoyao said in time outside the carriage: "Jun Wang, Yanling Prince's carriage has arrived."

Yu Wenye lifted the curtain and looked out, just in front of Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi's car stopped, Yan Heng got out of the carriage first, then turned around and lifted the curtain, a jade-like white hand stretched out from the carriage, Yan Heng immediately stretched out Help her out.

Under the sun, the two of them are like a pair of strangers, the man is impeccably handsome, with gentle and affectionate eyebrows, and the woman is charming and bright, looking up and looking back, they are all beautiful.

Yu Wenye suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his heart. Originally, this woman should be his wife. If the wedding day hadn't come out, would they be as loving as they are now?

He abandoned her in spite of him, but ended up with such a fate, a miserable wife.

As Yu Wenye thought, he had lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage, and greeted him all the way.

Regardless of the old grievances between them, right now Yan Heng is a surveillance patrol, and when he is at his place, he should cooperate.

Yu Wenye led a group of officials from Nanyang City, walked up to Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, and said slowly.

"Officials from Nanyang City, big and small, from this county came here to welcome King Yanling and Princess Yanling."

Yan Heng turned to look at Yu Wenye, looked up and down, and found that Yu Wenye was much calmer and restrained than before, and his brows and eyes were so pale that people couldn't see clearly what he was thinking.

This person is more serious than before, Yan Heng clasped his fists while thinking about it and said in return: "The king of Xiangjun and the adults are too polite, the king only needs to send two people to pick us up, there is no need to come to greet us in person."

Yu Wenye replied neither humble nor overbearing: "My lord is on a personal tour on behalf of the sage, how can this county be negligent, please, my lord."

The officials behind him all nodded, with flattering smiles all over their faces.

"Yes, yes, the lord is here in person on behalf of the sage, how can we neglect it, please, lord."

"My lord please."

(End of this chapter)

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