Chapter 978

Yu Wenye shouted with a cold face.

"No, I don't agree. You stop immediately and don't do anything to Chu Yunxi. Did you hear what I said?"

Yu Wenye pushed Ye Liyue away and warned her angrily.

Ye Liyue still wanted to reach out to hug him, but Yu Wenye had already turned around and strode out.

Ye Liyue cried heartbreakingly behind her: "Cousin, don't go, don't go, you stay with Yue'er, Yue'er will definitely listen to you, Yue'er will definitely listen to you."

It's a pity that the people who went out didn't stop.

Ye Liyue cried so hard that she didn't take back her hand.

Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi were arranged to live in the government office of Nanyang City.

In the government office, Yan Heng's body was full of frantic anger, and his eyes and eyebrows were extremely cold.

Because he was too angry, the whole space was filled with cold air.

All the subordinates in the room did not dare to vent their breath, and all cautiously lowered their heads and looked at the ground.

Chu Yunxi's expression was normal, and he glanced at the subordinates in the room and said, "You guys go out first."

Mu Xiu and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly backed out.

Fortunately, there is a princess, otherwise, according to the temperament of the prince, I'm afraid they will be unlucky.

In the room, Chu Yunxi walked over and sat beside Yan Heng, stretched out his hand and said, "Okay, it's all over, why are you angry? I warned Yu Wenye before, and I think he will handle it properly .”

Yan Heng's frowning brows still did not loosen, he said angrily: "Dare to plot against you, this matter can't be left alone, she has the courage to do such a thing, this king can't let her go lightly, this woman can't stay .”

Ever since Liu Ruqin's incident happened, when Yan Heng encountered such a restless woman again, she instinctively wanted to kill her to avoid future troubles.

Chu Yunxi immediately stopped Yan Heng: "Don't kill her right now, if something happens to her, the people of Nanyang City will definitely be blamed on us, then our reputation will really be rotten, don't worry, The magistrate of Nanyang City said that there will be a flower viewing banquet tomorrow, and she invited me to enjoy the flowers, I have already promised her, if Ye Liyue still plays tricks tomorrow, I will definitely not forgive her."

The hostility flashed in Chu Yunxi's eyes. She tolerated Ye Liyue once because she didn't want to confront Yu Wenye head-on, just like Yu Wenmo wanted. But next time, she would never take it lightly. Forgive her.

Yan Heng still had a bad complexion, Chu Yunxi turned around and sat on his lap, put his arms around his neck and said: "Okay, don't be angry, Yu Wenye will definitely take care of it, as Dongchen's eldest grandson , if he can't handle this well, it will be really disappointing."

Yan Heng put her arms around Chu Yunxi's waist, leaned over and kissed her, and said, "If I hear any rumors tomorrow, I won't just let it go."

"Well, let's go to bed early."

As soon as Chu Yunxi mentioned sleeping, Yan Heng's eyes lit up, leaned over and leaned into Chu Yunxi's ear and said, "Eat meat tonight."

After he finished speaking, he held Chu Yunxi in his arms and walked towards the room. Chu Yunxi glanced at him speechlessly and said, "Is this a wolf dog? He's always thinking about eating meat."

Yan Heng called out with an aggrieved face: "Little heartless, tell me about this journey south, I have been accompanying you to do free clinics everywhere, when did you have the best time?"

Chu Yunxi thought about it carefully, it's been almost two months since he went south, and he was really wronged, so he put his arms around Yan Heng's neck and said, "Then let the little girl take good care of you tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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