The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 982 Don't let people talk about it at all

Chapter 982 Don't let people talk at all
In the garden, three groups, five groups, and one party were all discussing about Chu Yunxi.

You can say everything, and it is roughly the same as the rumors outside. They all say that Chu Yunxi, as the princess of Yanling, is too domineering and cruel-hearted. How can she not have the kindness in the legend? It was all created by Princess Yanling herself.

When Chu Yunxi arrived, the scene was cold for a while, and the enthusiasm for welcoming her before was gone.

Although the wives of these Nanyang City officials all acted according to Lord Yanling's winks, their husbands did nothing wrong, so King Yanling might as well not bother their husbands.

Others don't need to talk, but Mrs. Li, the magistrate's wife, has to. She led the servants all the way to greet him, and beckoned Chu Yunxi to go in.

Although Chu Yunxi didn't come before, everyone was talking lively, but after she appeared, everyone present was speechless.

At this moment, footsteps sounded again at the exit behind the garden, and everyone turned around to see Ye Liyue, the princess of Xiangjun, who was weak and pale, holding the hands of two maidservants.

As soon as Ye Liyue saw Chu Yunxi walking in front of her, she called out: "Princess Yanling?"

Chu Yunxi turned around and saw Ye Liyue walking over with a sick expression on her maid's hand.

The corners of Chu Yunxi's lips curved into a smile that was not a smile, and his black pupils were filled with a gloomy cold light, and he just looked at Ye Liyue steadily.

It seems that this woman is planning to play some tricks. Looking at her makeup, one can tell that she wants to go all the way to the dark.

Yesterday she didn't guard against her way, today she let her see how she can fight back.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, Ye Liyue, who was walking in front of her, walked directly in front of Yanling Princess Chu Yunxi, and knelt down with a plop.

"Princess Yanling, it was my fault yesterday. I shouldn't have asked you to forgive me for causing you trouble. My county king gave me a scolding today and asked me to come and apologize to the princess in public, and then explain clearly to everyone. , The princess did nothing wrong, everything is my fault."

After Ye Liyue finished speaking, she gasped for breath, her face became paler, she struggled for a long time and turned around to look at the wives of the officials around and said: "Ladies, don't blame Princess Yanling, it's because I didn't do well, give her It's causing gossip, my county king has already reprimanded me to prevent the prince and princess from getting angry."

After Ye Liyue finished speaking, all the officials' wives present murmured.

"God, it must be because the prince of Yanling put pressure on the prince of the county, and the prince of the county reprimanded the concubine of Xiangjun. She is so pitiful."

"That's right, I'm still ill, and I still have to apologize to Princess Yanling."

"The prince of Yanling and the concubine of Yanling are deceiving people too much. Even if they are the supervisors appointed by the emperor, the king of Xiangjun and the concubine of Xiangjun are members of the royal family. They are obviously slapping the royal family in the face."

All the wives of the officials present became upset on behalf of Xiangjun Wang Yuwenye and Ye Liyue.

Chu Yunxi's face was slightly cold, she glanced at the wives of the officials present with a sneer, and sternly said, "Shut up."

After she finished drinking, she turned to look at Ye Liyue who was kneeling in front of her, and said in a deep voice, "Ye Liyue, who are you?"

Before Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Ye Liyue in front of her once again lost consciousness.

She didn't want Chu Yunxi to speak at all. . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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