Chapter 996 Beast Tide
Xiangjun Wang Yuwenye was very angry, but facing Yan Heng and the people, he couldn't find a place to reason. Moreover, as the county king of Nanyang, he couldn't ignore these people. If so, These people are afraid that they will resist him in their hearts from now on.

Yu Wenye thought about it, looked at the shouting people below and said: "Okay, the king of this county will order someone to investigate immediately, if it is found out that this matter was indeed done by the princess of the county, the king of this county will definitely give everyone an explanation. "

As soon as Yu Wenye finished speaking, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Ah, look quickly, the beast tide is coming, the beast tide is coming?"

Chu Yunxi, Yan Heng and the others quickly looked up, only to see a large number of monsters rushing towards them like crazy behind them.

These monsters seemed to be chased by monsters behind them, and they all ran towards them like they were dying.

The people beside Chu Yunxi were completely frightened, and they all screamed. The scene was indescribably chaotic, and some of them yelled for help.

"Help, help."

Someone started running around in all directions.

After Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng looked at each other, they moved and shot in front of the people.

Chu Yunxi remembered what Huo Huo had said, because her aura contained the aura of a beast, and she could suppress the monster with Yuanli.

But now that Huo Huo's soul is damaged, she doesn't know if it will help.

But anyway, try it out.

As soon as Chu Yunxi thought, she opened the peach spirit space abruptly, and when she raised her hand, Yuanli rushed out, and the ripples of Yuanli swept straight towards the monster beast that was coming from the peak.

When those monsters encountered these Yuanli ripples, they retreated subconsciously, not daring to run over again.

The beast tide was brought under control.

But Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng soon discovered that although the beast tide was under control, these monsters were obviously very restless, and they were all running around like headless flies. , They even bit each other and killed each other.

Among the monster beasts, there was chaos.

Chu Yunxi looked at it, there was no way to go on like this, she immediately looked at Yan Heng beside her and said: "Send the people away, and I heard strange bells in the forest ahead, the reason why these monsters are so violent , I'm afraid it has something to do with the ringing of the bell, so hurry up and order someone to catch the person who rings the bell, otherwise with my ability, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress the beast tide in the end."

If Huohuo's scattered soul hadn't been injured, he might be more confident.

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yan Heng immediately arranged for someone to do something.

"Master Li quickly led people to evacuate these people."

"Yu Wenye, if you don't take anyone to catch Ye Liyue, it's not a surprise. This beast tide is something Ye Liyue can't do. Is she trying to deal with us, or is she trying to destroy your Nanyang City? I know that if these monsters enter Linqiu City, there will be countless casualties."

Right now they are staying at the outskirts of the Lingxiu Mountain Range in Linqiu, some distance away from Linqiu County, but if these monsters are not driven into the Lingxiu Mountain Range and allowed to enter Linqiu County, there will be countless casualties.

Linqiu County is the subordinate county of Nanyang City, and also belongs to the boundary of Nanyang City, the place where Wang Yuwenye of Xiangjun.

Yu Wenye's face was very ugly, he didn't say anything, and directly ordered Xiaoyao behind: "Go, let's go in and find someone in person."

After he finished speaking, he moved and walked straight to the Lingxiu Mountain Range.

Later, Lord Li led people to evacuate the people.

Yan Heng and others are responsible for protecting Chu Yunxi, for fear that she will be hurt by monsters.

It wasn't long before Yu Wenye led people into the Lingxiu Mountain Range, the ringing of the bell in the mountain range was farther away, and those monsters became quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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