Chapter 104

"Doctor, my daughter-in-law is young, and the road from our village to the town is long. She was really tired and fell asleep. Please forgive me." Xiao Yanshan explained in a deep voice.

Su Qingyue didn't understand what the two of them said, but felt that the doctor seemed impatient, and her wrist was being held on by the second brother again.

The doctor took her pulse.

Su Qingyue stared at the doctor, and saw that he seemed to be saying that she had blood congestion in her brain and that acupuncture would make her blind... The shaking of her head obviously couldn't cure her deafness.

The faces of the Xiao family brothers were very serious.Doctor Chen Yu of Baohetang is the most famous doctor in the town. I heard that he also entered the palace as an imperial doctor before. Even he can't cure his daughter-in-law's deafness. There is really no hope.

Xiao Yushan stretched out his hand and brushed a strand of Su Qingyue's hair behind her ear, "Don't worry, even if you can't be cured, I won't dislike you if you're deaf and dumb for the rest of your life."

She was uncomfortable with his intimate behavior, but when she saw what he said, she froze when she wanted to take his hand away.

Before time travel, she was very beautiful. Her husband-in-law liked beautiful women very much, and always praised her for her good looks. She knew that if she was the scumbag in the previous life, she would look so ugly now, even if she was not deaf. Not dumb, that scumbag would never look at her.

What did the second brother say?
He even said that he would never dislike her for the rest of his life.

Suddenly there was a trace of tears in her eyes.

"And me." Xiao Yuchuan pulled his daughter-in-law up and knew she couldn't hear him, so he said to her, "I won't dislike you either, I won't dislike you for the rest of my life."


Not really.

How is this.

It's not bad for one man, but it's too much for two men!
Su Qingyue suddenly felt stuck because of being moved.

"Let's go." Xiao Yuchuan pulled her out.

Su Qingyue didn't move, she glanced at the medicine box on the table next to the old doctor's chair, the medicine box was opened, there were some bottles and cans in it, and a pack of acupuncture needles pinned to the cloth Special silver needle.

She withdrew the hand held by Han Chuan, tugged at Xiao Rongshan's sleeve, and pointed to the bag of silver needles.

"You want that?" Xiao Yanshan thought he had misunderstood it.

She nodded.Earlier at the second brother's house, when the village doctor saw her, she wanted to borrow silver needles. The village doctor's wife was really difficult to deal with, and it would take her several days to borrow them.Really ask the village doctor to borrow it... Maybe they will charge money for borrowing, which will be more expensive than buying.

Therefore, she thinks it's better to forget it, when will the second brother buy her a pair.With professional silver needles, she can do acupuncture and moxibustion for herself.

"Daughter-in-law, why do you want silver needles?" Xiao Yuchuan asked sadly.The daughter-in-law actually withdrew her hand and wanted a silver needle, so tell him, why are you looking for the second brother.

Xiao Yanshan didn't ask anything, and asked the doctor directly, "Can you sell me your silver needle?"

The old doctor Chen Yu looked over, "What are you using the silver needles for acupuncture?" He glanced at Su Qingyue again, not seeing what she did just now, "You girl want it? Hmph, don't you think so?" Are you still good at medicine? My silver needles are not for sale."

People don't sell it, and it's not easy to buy it by force.Xiao Yanshan's face was a little stiff, and he asked Qingyue apologetically, "Is it okay to buy a pair of silver needles from another store?"

She nods.As long as it's a silver needle, it's the same.

Before the three of them left the pharmacy, Su Qingyue found that the second brother went to the counter to pay ten copper coins.

(End of this chapter)

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