Chapter 1077
Xiao Yanshan glared at her, "I can't accept it. Baoping's family is not easy. The whole family has to be raised, and they all live on rented land. The harvest in the field is not much. Baoping, take it back."

"They brought them all..." Li Rong'er hadn't eaten meat for several days.Xiao Yushan gave some of the hunting to the two white-eyed wolves next door, and kept a little bit of the rest, which was eaten up many days ago, and the rest was sold for silver, and luck was not good. The sky did not catch any prey.

Xiao Yanshan's face was ugly, "You are a woman, you are greedy for cheap." He snatched the vegetable basket and handed it back to Fang Baoping, "Take it back, there is no problem with renting the land, and we will sign a lease later."

"That works." Fang Baoping also took the pork and eggs back.The family is too poor, and his mother-in-law has been distressed for a long time if he wants to save it as a gift.

Next door to Xiao Yuchuan's house, villager Zhao Wu came over and also wanted to rent a field.

Xiao Yuchuan said, "Let's rent the field under my fourth brother's name. Same, my family's field will be vacant first."

Zhao Wu said, "The land I rented originally belonged to Mr. Wang's family, but now your family bought it and assigned it to you, Chuanzi. I originally wanted to renew the lease of the previous five acres, and the land in Qinghe was the same."

After the agreement was made, Zhao Wu signed a lease contract with Xiao Qinghe.

In the next few days, people came to rent fields one after another, and all the fields under Xiao Qinghe's name were rented out, and half of the harvest was paid as rent when the harvest was written.If it is rented and not planted, it will be converted into silver to make up for the loss of the owner.

Xiao Yuchuan's fields were not rented, and the original tenants rushed to rent out the fields under the names of Xiao Yushan and Xiao Qinghe, and some families could not rent them, so they had to find another field to rent and plant.

Su Qingyue knew that the productivity in ancient times was very low, and the grain yield was not as high as that of modern hybrid rice.An acre of hybrid rice can produce about 30.00 catties of rice, which is generally only 20.00% of the yield nowadays, and [-]% of the hulls have to be removed after polishing and dehusking. Not to mention the trouble, it also reduces food consumption.

One mu of 300 catties of millet removes the husks, and there are only more than 160 catties of rice, and [-]% of it has to be handed over. One mu of hard work is only [-] catties of rice a year. Those who rent the fields are poor people, and rent one mu Tianzhong is just enough for one person.If it was our own field, only one person could spare some food.A few mouthfuls of people will be short of food rations.

So rice is expensive, and it costs seven cents a catty.Brown rice is broken rice with bran, and it costs five cents. Many people can't afford brown rice.

According to the current market price and output of rice, it takes seven or eight years to buy an acre of land without eating or drinking.

It's no wonder that the second brother was disfigured. He has more than 30 acres of land, a new house, and a woman is still driving the bus.

In the past few days, even the fourth brother, who has bad legs, has a matchmaker coming to ask him if he wants to marry a house wife, saying that there is a girl who is willing to marry the fourth brother.

The fourth brother politely refused, and the matchmakers in the village thought that his marriage with Miss Tao was probably settled, so they just asked and stopped coming.

If the matchmaker in the village knew that Fourth Brother and Miss Tao were not doing well, there would definitely be an endless stream of people who said relatives.

Who is the fourth brother is now a wealthy household in the village.

The morning sun shone warmly on the window sill. On this day, Su Qingyue and Xiao Yuchuan got up early, and after breakfast, they were ready to go to town.

(End of this chapter)

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