Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1164 The one in the carriage

Chapter 1164
"It's okay for this kind of woman to have a low character. She still wants to frame Chuanzi for the death penalty and disturb the police officer's handling of the case. Don't beat her to death!" Others chimed in with righteous indignation.

The officer heard that this kind of bitch would fight even harder.

Seeing that Zhu Nengwen was also in the crowd, Su Qingyue, who changed her face, walked quietly behind him and pressed on his back shoulder. He turned around in pain, and glared, "Don't be careful!"

"Sorry." Su Qingyue said with a smile, and hurriedly left the crowd.

Here, the [-]th beat is still going on, and Liu Xianglian was beaten to half his life, her buttocks were bloody, and she had already passed out from the pain.

Liu Zhengshi's top ten boards are still howling.

Huang Mazi watched the mother-in-law being beaten badly from the side, thinking that she would have to spend money to treat her again, which was really unlucky, so she carried the mother-in-law away with a few relatives of the Liu family.

The villagers who were watching saw that the county magistrate was here, and they wanted to complain about something serious, and they were afraid that they would be punished for saying the wrong thing, so no one would complain.

Wang Qigu said loudly that Chuanzi killed people before, but now she cowardly hides behind and dare not speak nonsense.She finally understood that before the official has been sentenced, she can't casually say who killed someone in front of the official, otherwise her ass will bloom.

The four officials returned to the courtyard of Hualizheng's house after carrying out their stick duties, and stood upright on the left and right.

Zheng Dejun said, "Continue the trial. No one from Xiao Yuchuan and Li Gui can prove his arm injury. Although Ding Er has someone to prove that Xiao Taohong is not at the scene..."

When Su Qingyue went home quietly and took off the fake beard, washed off the makeup on her face, changed into a woman's clothes, and returned to her original appearance, Zheng Dejun's trial had just come to an end.

He only heard his order, "Bring Xiao Yuchuan, Ding Er, and Li Gui back to the Yamen and put them in prison! The case will be tried again in another day. Su Qingyue is suspected of running away, so post a notice to arrest him!"

"My lord, do you want me locked up too?" Ding Er was very dissatisfied, "I have evidence that the injury on the arm was not caught by Zhu Daqi, and I have no grudge against Zhu Daqi, how could I kill him?" ?”

"Why can't you?" Zhu Nengwen entered the courtyard from the crowd, "My lord, the little Zhu Nengwen is the younger brother of the deceased Zhu Daqi, and I have something to report."


"The little one once heard from his elder brother Zhu Daqi that Ding Er borrowed ten taels of silver from him, saying that Ding Er was willing to pay high interest, and there was an IOU from Ding Er at home. Maybe Ding Er is murdering and repaying debts!" ​​Zhu Nengwen He glared at Ding Er angrily.

Ding Er sat paralyzed on the ground with a pale face, "You... don't talk nonsense, I... I didn't kill anyone at all!"

Seeing his pale face, it seems that he has a guilty conscience.

In order to get rid of the crime, Li Gui also started to speak, "Last time you personally confessed in court that Su Qingyue gave you two taels of silver to keep you quiet. You said that after seeing Su Qingyue leave, you can't tell me I didn't want to pay back the money, but saw Zhu Daqi falling off the cliff, so I beat him to death, and put the blame on Su Qingyue!"

"My lord, I really didn't kill anyone!" Ding Er kept kowtowing, "I really never did..."

When Zhu Nengwen saw their dogs biting dogs, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his lips, but he lowered his head, and outsiders seemed to be respectful, no one could see his smile.

"It's not easy for me to stop for a while, so I will take the person away first." Zheng Dejun waved his hand, just as the Yacha was about to detain him.

"Wait!" Su Qingyue shouted, walked past the crowd, and entered the courtyard of Hualizheng's house.

(End of this chapter)

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