Chapter 1191 Mr. Xiao

"Look at the head office." Another man next to him answered.

Xiao Yuchuan had a handsome face coldly, "I can't even look at it!"

The others laughed and said, "We didn't go to your room to see, or we waited in the inn, and we saw it on the street. If you have the ability, tell your wife not to go to the street."

"It's just... see if you don't let me..."

Several men were dissatisfied one after another.

Shopkeeper Liu said, "Hey, ladies and gentlemen, don't be angry, the lady of the Xiao family probably has something to go out, so you should pay more attention, if you don't, everyone will leave."

Now, everyone is watching Su Qingyue.

There are not only men and women, but also old and young.

"I've seen the most beautiful woman in the world, Shen Mengru..." Someone among the onlookers said, "Compared to Shen Mengru, the lady from the Xiao family is better... seven points!"

"Absolutely! I have never seen such a beautiful woman from the Xiao family..."

Everyone stared in admiration.

Everyone was talking about how Su Qingyue solved the strange case, that she was both talented and beautiful, and that Jin Xun was beaten by Xiao Yuchuan...

There was a lot of buzz about this.

Su Qingyue also listened.

Xiao Yuchuan could not wait to poke the eyes of these people blind, "What are you looking at!"

"I don't look at you again..." Someone in the crowd sarcastically made everyone laugh.

Xiao Yuchuan had a gloomy face, but Su Qingyue seemed to be used to so many eyes staring at her like a monkey, her expression was so indifferent that she was not happy.

In fact, in her previous life, Su Qingyue was also a great beauty. She was surrounded by people, handsome guys always struck up a conversation, and there were many times when beautiful women took photos with her.

She's used to being a... smelly and shameless beauty.

Glancing at Chuanzi's smoldering face, it just matched a shameless handsome guy.

The waiter came over with the carriage.

Xiao Yuchuan quickly opened the door of the carriage and let Su Qingyue into the carriage.

"Drive!" He sat at the door of the carriage, holding the reins in his hand, and drove the carriage away, waving his whip.

The onlookers almost couldn't dodge, but they avoided it in time.

Someone scolded from behind, "Run so fast, hurrying to reincarnate?"

"I'm jealous, such a beautiful lady is surrounded by people, even a man feels sour..."

"You guys don't know that Mr. Xiao's family is so energetic that he forced his wife to stay in the room for two days and two nights..."

Someone was curious, "How do you know?"

"I deliberately stayed in the room next to him, how could I not know..."

"Listen, what did you hear..."

"I heard..." The man was spitting and high-spirited, and the people in the town were bored, and everyone was gathered around listening to the boudoir fun stories that he overheard...

Su Qingyue didn't know that everyone in the town knew about the affair between her and Xiao Yuchuan's room, otherwise...

She was afraid that she would have to find a crack in the ground...and let someone else drill it.

The carriage drove all the way to the suburb for three miles.Entering from a small turnoff, the road becomes less spacious than the official road. Xiao Yuchuan said, "Daughter-in-law, you sit still, the ground is covered with frozen hard ice, the road is uneven, if you don't sit still, I'm afraid of you Too bumpy in a wagon chrome ass..."

Su Qingyue didn't answer. She slept too little last night and was drowsy.

Xiao Yuchuan knew that he had really tormented his daughter-in-law, and felt sorry for her, but as soon as he pressed her down, he would easily lose control. Who made her body so beautiful...

Moreover, with so many people coveting his daughter-in-law, he was really afraid of losing her. Only by feeling her truly could he feel relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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