Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1193 Female Ghost Appears

Chapter 1193 The Beautiful Woman Sent by Grandpa 1
"What kind of animal are you, thinking about mating all day long!" She was very angry.

He smiled whitely, "Daughter-in-law is flattering me. In front of her, I'm not even as good as an animal. I wish I could stay in bed with you all the time..."

"Shameless!" She gathered her clothes together, "Stay away from me!"

At this time, the young man in blue on the graveyard had been looking this way for a while.

It was freezing cold, and he moved a grave with a pious heart, Gao Shen did not expect to meet such a beautiful woman.

He pointed to the woman in crimson yellow on the side of the road at the foot of the mountain, "Is that a person?"

The servant Gaojia next to him said quickly, "Master, that seems to be a human..."

Gao Shen tapped his fan on the top of his head, "What does it mean to be like, if it is, it is, if it is not, it is not..."

"It's as beautiful as a fairy..." Gao Jia was infatuated, "I'm afraid it's the Nine Heavens Xuannv who fell into the mortal world."

The feng shui master with the compass said, "This mountain tomb is very dark. Nine Heavens Xuannv has a fairy spirit, so she would not come to such a place. That is a woman."

Gao Shen believed, "Master's words are wrong, that is not a woman..."

Mr. Feng Shui looked at Su Qingyue from a distance, "It's obvious... Could it be that she is a man disguised as a woman?"

"Master, you are really old and dizzy." Gao Shen said, "I mean, that is a very beautiful woman. If a man's appearance is so beautiful, it would be against the sky."

The master also received money from the Gao Mansion, so he nodded immediately, "Young Master Gao is very right. This master is over sixty years old, and it is normal for him to be old and dim occasionally."

Coffins that had been buried for decades were dug up.

The coffin had rotted a lot, and there were still a few unidentifiable maggots crawling on the coffin lid.

Gao Shen immediately bowed down to the coffin, crying loudly, "My grandfather, my filial grandson Gao Shen came to see you and let you be buried here alone for decades, grandson is sorry for you! You go, don't worry, go to Liu'an Town, the grandson bought a piece of blessed land there, the land is more spacious than this, and the environment is more comfortable than this, my father is also buried there, so you can live comfortably, and me Dad is waiting for you below."

"Wow wow wow... woo woo woo!" Ding Gaojia also burst into tears, louder than the young master.

Another famous artist, Ding Gaoyi, asked puzzledly, "Why are you crying?"

"Young master's grandfather is my grandfather. Seeing that grandpa has been buried in the ground for decades, I am so sad...Young master is crying, how can a servant laugh? Ahhhh! Wow..." Gao Jia howled loudly, "Grandpa, you died so badly... No, it's Grandpa, you are really an old man who died peacefully..."

"Go, go!" Gao Shen kicked his ass, "A servant dares to call my grandpa grandpa, do you deserve it!"

"Yes yes yes... the small ones are not worthy, the small ones just don't have a grandpa, so I express my feelings..."

"Where did your grandpa go?"

"I was not born, and I heard that he passed away..." Gao Jia was very sad, "Poor me, I never even saw my grandfather's face when I was born."

Gao Shen couldn't help feeling sympathetic, "I can't tell, you are still a filial grandson. You will see my grandpa soon. My grandpa is so good, he must know that the wives and concubines in my house are not beautiful enough, so he gave me the most beautiful one. Come……"

Su Qingyue glanced sideways down the mountain.

Su Qingyue saw Gao Shen looking at herself with two lines of tears on his face when kneeling and worshiping the coffin, she deeply felt that Mr. Gao was really filial, so she nodded slightly to him as a signal.

(End of this chapter)

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