Chapter 1201 Are you okay?
Now that she knows that she is a miracle doctor without leaving a name, her eyes are almost bubbling with admiration, "The real body of the miracle doctor without leaving a name is you! I heard that many dignitaries are waiting for you to see a doctor and want you to see a doctor, but Can't find you..."

"It's good that you know. Mr. Gao is calling himself a little one, but if you flatter me, you still..." Su Qingyue stretched out her hand, "Pay."

"I don't want to renege on my debt." Gao Shen immediately took out his money bag from his pocket, took out a large stack of banknotes, and counted them. The banknotes were too scattered and the amount was not large. It was only [-] in total. Nine taels, take away the nine taels of silver, and hand the bank note to her, "Your consultation fee."

Su Qingyue didn't even order it, and just put it in her pocket.

"You don't count?" Gao Shen asked carefully.

"What's so good about this little money." Su Qingyue sounded like a rich man.It seems that 500 taels is such a small number. In fact, before Gao Shen paid the money, after receiving 800 taels from Tao Meijiao, her entire net worth was only more than 3000 taels. Adding 500 taels, it was almost 5000 taels. .

"That's, that's." Gao Shen flattered, "I'm a little suspicious."

"Ask." Su Qingyue was in a good mood after receiving the consultation fee and the land deed.

"Since you are already married..." Gao Shen glanced at Xiao Yuchuan, "Then why does the owner Chang of Lihua Villa call you his fiancée to the outside world, and why don't you marry him?"

"If not, I'll be just as virtuous as you."

Gao Shen immediately waved his hand, "The power of the Lihua Villa is so powerful, I dare not compare it with the owner of Changzhuang. Besides, the little one is romantic by nature, and there are many wives and concubines. Ever since the death of his original wife many years ago, the owner of the Lihuashanzhuang, Changzhuang, has not seen each other again. Married before, without a wife or concubine, if he hadn't had a son, he would have been said to be a broken sleeve. This time he wants to marry without leaving his name... This matter caused an uproar in the rivers and lakes, and even in the court , I never thought that his fiancée, you... actually got married!"

She gave him an idiot look in her eyes, "I said Chang Zhuangzhu has the same virtue as you, which means that if I saved him, he would promise me with my body."

"Cough..." Gao Shen almost choked on his own saliva, and then he understood, "It is rumored that the genius doctor cured the poison that no one could cure the master of Chang Zhuang. Your medical skills are unmatched, and you are as beautiful as a flower. It's a man who wants to kill you..."

Xiang Xu hadn't uttered the words yet, but when he received Xiao Yuchuan's murderous look, he resentfully did not continue.

Su Qingyue said sternly, "It's Chang Zhuang's wishful thinking. I have no intentions towards him at all." In fact, Chang Zhuang Zhu is also a little different from Gao Shen.When Master Chang said he wanted to marry her, the sores on her face were not healed yet. Master Chang promised an ugly woman, not a beauty.Could it be that the owner of the villa has a special habit of liking ugly girls?
"So that's it..." Gao Shen kept looking at Xiao Yuchuan, thinking about what kind of man would make Su Qingyue not even want the owner of the No. [-] villa in the world, making Xiao Yuchuan's scalp numb.

"Don't look at my husband like that, people who don't know think you like him." As soon as Su Qingyue said this, Gao Shen's head was full of black lines, "Don't worry, the genius doctor, I only like beautiful women, not handsome men. Besides, Your husband... is not as handsome as this young master!"

Swish!With a sound, he shook open the folding fan, waving and waving, pretending to be romantic.

Su Qingyue looked at his demeanor as if she was insane, "Master Gao, are you alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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