Chapter 128 Peeping
When it was hot, throw the silver needle into the clear water bowl.

After repeating this, all the silver needles attached to the cloth bag went into the clear water bowl.

It was inconvenient for acupuncture to wear clothes. She looked at the two men on the kang, and after confirming that they could not wake up, she took off her clothes and sat on the kang, covering her lower body with the clothes she took off.

After the simple disinfection treatment, she picked up all the silver needles, drained the water stains on the silver needles, and pinched a group of silver needles in the right hand of the half-injured wrist.

Holding one of the silver needles in her left hand, she directly pierced Baihui acupoint, the second needle into Tianchi acupoint, and the third Shenting acupoint...

These days, she has been thinking about every process of acupuncture and moxibustion for deafness.

The sequence, depth, and radian of each acupuncture needle...has been filtered in her mind countless times.

A bunch of silver needles are all pierced into the main points, each pierced into different depths, and the movements are precise and correct.

Closing her eyes, she felt every needle in her acupuncture point, and the stimulating pain made her unbearable.

She is an excellent killer, and she has long been used to pain in the flesh, so this pain is nothing to her.

From time to time, I touch different silver needles with my left hand and twist them slowly...

She closed her eyes, feeling every reaction of her body, not letting her guard down.

Her world is so quiet that there is no sound, only the acupuncture and moxibustion are concentrated on...

Even without a timer, two hours later, she suddenly opened her eyes, pulled out the silver needles from her body and head one by one with no expression on her face, threw them all into the clean water bowl and washed them again, and then pierced them in an orderly manner. Don't go back to the cloth bag.

Putting on her clothes, she took the water bowl to the yard and poured water, put the bowl back into the kitchen, and then walked towards the master bedroom. Passing by the window of the second bedroom, she turned her head suddenly and looked in through the slightly closed window.

There was no light in the second house, and it was pitch black.

The figure peeping at her seemed to have done something wrong, and suddenly hid behind the wall.

The man's bed was placed against the wall, and she couldn't see his face clearly, she could only see the quilt rising in the dark, and the arc was his feet, that is, his lower body was covered with the quilt, and his upper body was lying against the wall.

Only when she poked her head through the window could she see his face.

Suddenly realized that Cijuli's patient hadn't just woken up, but probably hadn't slept since before she got acupuncture.

These days, she also knew that the patient's legs were sick and he couldn't get out of bed.

Although she was peeped by him, she didn't feel angry.

Because I can't feel his malice.

First of all, he won't know that she touched his two elder brothers' sleeping holes, and second, she is deaf, so if he thinks her intentions are wrong, he can yell at her to attract others.

The truth is that nothing unusual so far.

She only paused for a moment before walking forward.

Thinking that he must have seen her carrying a water bowl back and forth, human nature would be curious.So, she stopped and said in a calm voice, "I have no malicious intentions."

The crisp voice echoed clearly in the silent night.

She knew he, who lived next door, heard.

Regardless of his reaction, he walked back to the master bedroom.

The sleeping hole between the second brother and the stingy cat will be untied automatically in a short while, she counted the time.

Picking up the quilt on the ground, she hesitated, and covered the stingy cat, which was originally his quilt.

And covered the second brother's quilt for the second brother.

Instead, she herself, who was not covered, lay in the corner with her clothes on.

When the quilt covered Xiao Yuchuan's body, he woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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