Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1289 Xiao Yanshan’s Thoughtfulness 2

Why is there a bastard not surnamed Wang always begging for monthly tickets

Why is there a bastard who is not surnamed Wang but named Nanliufeng Layman is always asking for a monthly pass:
Although I can't reply to every message in the book review area, I have read every comment, and I read book reviews several times a day.

Dear friends who support subscriptions, Anan's manuscript fee comes from subscriptions. Even if there is no monthly ticket, Anan is very touched. You are all true love to me.

Forgive my book subscription fee, because I have to live too.

Regarding the monthly ticket, I think that some relatives like me who always ask for monthly tickets, and some who are not used to it say that I should not be soliciting tickets. Therefore, let me explain in a unified way.

I’m currently at a bottleneck, I can’t always write, I insist on coding every day, sometimes I post for a long time, I don’t know what to write in the next sentence, I really tried my best.For those who pull monthly tickets for a long time, the author may not be on the list, so they simply don't pull.For example, the monthly ticket for my last book was not on the list, so I never asked for a monthly ticket from the beginning to the end of the last book.There may be other reasons for not pulling a monthly pass.

Anyone who can be on the list, any author will pull monthly tickets very frequently.Because some pros are lazy, the author doesn't talk loudly, and doesn't bring a bowl to beg in front of you, and those girls who are lazy don't vote.

(I was severely attacked by a relative who said that I was greedy for asking for a monthly ticket. How can asking for a monthly ticket be linked to greed? You can wear the hat of slandering me. If you don’t want to wear it, don’t put it on others next time. I’m sorry, good) Rewards are direct human M coins. I have been in Tencent for two years. From the last book to the present, I have never asked for a reward. I believe that if I ask, there will still be many relatives who are willing Flying rewards, I will pay a lot more rewards.And I never asked for a reward, and I felt sorry for my parents' money, thinking that my parents could keep the money to watch subscriptions, and I was satisfied.Just based on what you guys can see, I have nothing to do with greed. Who would think that the reward is too much?I say this just to show that I am not that kind of person.

Some authors will ask for a reward, which can only show that the author is very happy and more motivated to see the rewards from relatives.After all, this is an extra reward for my friends, which shows that the author has written well.

In the case that I don't ask for rewards, I have a lot of rewards. I would like to thank all the girls who gave rewards.

I am a relatively easy-to-satisfy person, with a sunny mind and a fragrant grass.

Sometimes my feelings are richer, and I will do a few somersaults with joy when you praise me, but I will also be sad if you directly slander me or insult me.Please don't leave some excessive words attacking my character in the book review area in the future.I ask myself that in my 30 years of life, I have never done anything harmful to the world, nor have I ever been sorry to anyone.I have done some good things, so your family's Nannan is definitely not bad.

I just beg for a monthly ticket, and I'm targeting those who are willing to vote for me. If they don't want to, I can't take a knife against anyone. In fact, I've always used the word begging, right?You are the boss, I am your meal, you can bite me to death if you are not happy.

From the opening of the book to the present, many relatives love it, and there are many monthly tickets. Many relatives really moved me.For example, "Happy" subscribed to other books that I don't read in order to have a monthly ticket to vote for me. Because the monthly ticket does not consume a certain amount of money, the monthly ticket will not be issued next month. 'Just be happy' I voted as soon as I had a monthly pass, and I was more annoyed when I didn't have a monthly pass.There are also some relatives who leave a message under the book, there is a monthly ticket to vote for me, and they are more excited than me, and some relatives open multiple accounts to support me.Today there are many relatives who have a new monthly ticket, and they voted for me immediately. All the monthly tickets have been voted for me... There are too many relatives who support me, and I cannot list them all. I know, your love for me is immeasurable .How can I repay your love?Moved to tears...

If the monthly pass is not on the list, it is equivalent to a waste product.Monthly tickets now have a general list and a classification list, and Anan is now on the classification list.

From my standpoint, the book itself has so many monthly tickets. If I don’t ask for a monthly ticket, I will let down those who have voted for it. They are so excited, working hard, and loving for me... I can only do my best to make the monthly tickets of my friends meaningful, instead of letting a large number of my friends vote in vain.

Even if you stand on the sidelines, the monthly pass is a bonus of the subscription. If you don’t vote after the expiration date, it will be useless and wasted. Why don’t you give it to your favorite... Cough cough, those who can see these words, say it shamelessly , They all love me, right?

From my personal standpoint, the list is there, if I don't grab it, others will.In fact, it is not easy to get a monthly ticket on the list. There are tens of thousands of books, and the list (general list + classification) only has fifteen places in total.This book has the ability to compete with other works, why don't I fight for it?Leave a little glorious history for this book.

The monthly ticket can bring the author the greatest honor. Anan's monthly ticket has achieved great results for a long time. This time, on January 2016, 1, the annual press conference of the Forbes Original Billboard was held in Shanghai, and Anan was honored to be invited.

The honor is all given by you, Anan Ming feels five hearts and loves you deeply!

I often pull monthly tickets, and seeing me talking is better than when I was writing the last book "The Miraculous Doctor and Concubine: The Killer, Abandoned Concubine, and Poison Against the Heavens", I was always silent, and I couldn't hit a dull fart with ten sticks.The popularity of the last book is considered a classic, dear friends, you can go and read it when you have time.

I know that most of you guys support me, love me, and you all understand me.I write such words, I just hope that those who don't understand me will understand.

The last sentence, Nannan of your family came to ask for monthly tickets with this handsome face and thick skin thinner than the city wall. The monthly ticket competition is really too fierce, and there is really no way to ask for the monthly tickets of the babies~ Can you ask me?
(End of this chapter)

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