Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1343 The Xiao Family in Beijing 1

Chapter 1343
Only at this moment did she realize that Xiao Qinghe really didn't have her in his heart, not at all!

From the narration just now by the cook, she also knew that Xiao Qinghe happened to be on a medical visit.

Until now, she didn't understand that if it's not yours, it really isn't yours. No matter how hard you try, you won't get it.

She walked out of the courtyard disheveled, the pain between her legs reminded her that she was no longer a clean and quiet woman, and she was no longer qualified to pursue the one she loved.

Tao Meijiao was walking in such a daze, when suddenly, she heard Su Qingyue calling her from behind.

As if she hadn't heard of it, she just murmured, "I'm to blame. Don't worry about my business. I'm going home."

He staggered out of Xiao's mansion.

There was no one on the street in the middle of the night.

Tao Meijiao didn't think about going home again.

If she loses her virginity, father knows that she will die of anger.

Can't love Qinghe anymore, what should she do?
He doesn't even have the qualifications to find another husband-in-law in the future.

Who would want a woman who lost her virginity?Prescribing drugs to a man, but reaping the consequences, this kind of scandal is spread, how can you live?
Tears blurred vision.

Walking to a stone bridge, looking at the river flowing quietly under the bridge, she jumped and jumped down.

Su Qingyue stood on the bridge, watching Meijiao throw herself into the river, and stopped Xiao Yanshan who was about to jump down, "Second brother, let her drink some water first, so she can wake up."

In Meijiao's state, as a friend, how could she not follow her.

It was perfectly possible to prevent her from jumping into the river, but she was still allowed to jump.

"Yue'er, don't stand in the way!" Xiao Yanshan blushed anxiously, "You let me go into the water to save her!"

"It's not that I'm cruel, but that women in ancient times paid too much attention to chastity and didn't let Meijiao pay for the fear of death. I'm afraid she will seek death at every turn in the future." Su Qingyue looked at Tao Meijiao who was floating and sinking in the water, " It's for her own good, just wait a little longer."

Sure enough, within 2 minutes, Tao Meijiao struggled in the river, "!"

Xiao Yuchuan naturally followed his wife's ass, looked into the water under the bridge, "If you know how to call for help, you are not a person who wants to die."

"Help!" Tao Meijiao was soaked in cold water and woke up after choking on a few mouthfuls of river water. She didn't want to die, even if she lost her virginity, she didn't want to die either!

Su Qingyue moved two steps to the side, Xiao Yanshan immediately jumped into the river and rescued Tao Meijiao.

The two went ashore wet.

Tao Meijiao couldn't stop coughing, coughing up all the river water in her stomach.

"People who die in a moment of confusion are fools." Su Qingyue took out a handkerchief and wiped her face, "I know your pain, but something has happened, nothing is more precious than life."

Tao Meijiao hugged Su Qingyue and cried loudly in her arms.

Crying, grievance, pain, venting...

Xiao Yuchuan frowned as he watched from the side, Miss Tao was wet all over, don't let his daughter-in-law catch a cold.

He has no sympathy for those who suffer on their own.

It's just that the daughter-in-law has a good relationship with Tao Meijiao, so it's inconvenient for him to pull away at this time.

After Meijiao had cried enough, Xiao Yanshan said anxiously, "Tao...Miss Tao, I know I'm sorry...I...I'd like to marry you..."

Tao Meijiao smiled sadly, " marry me? Why don't you ask me if I want to marry you?"

" you want to?" He asked honestly.

"I just want to marry Xiao Qinghe." She closed her eyes, and tears rolled down again.

(End of this chapter)

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