Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1368 Be careful young lady

Chapter 1368 Peeping 2
The side road paved with bluestone slabs is a large flower garden. She wanted to add more vitality to the yard, so she ordered people to plant a lot of flowers and trees.

The colorful flowers fluttered in the wind, and the fragrance of flowers filled the courtyard.

Chang Haotian hid on the roof, looking at the beauty in front of the flower garden.

Her eyebrows are picturesque, her eyes are as clear as a pool of clear water, her facial features are exquisite, and she has a leisurely demeanor. She is dressed in a goose yellow light satin skirt, covered with a gauze of the same color. It's so elegant that it doesn't seem like anything in the world.

She is like a person walking out of a painting, she is so beautiful!

Chang Haotian was never a woman who would be attracted by a woman's appearance, but at this moment, she was also fascinated by it.

In his eyes, there was no large field of colorful flowers, but he was attracted by the person who was more beautiful than flowers with all his body and mind.

Just now I heard her tell Tao Meijiao that her man is not allowed to take a concubine or have sex with other women.

Originally, he couldn't figure out what she wanted?
After all, she let him, the owner of Lihua Villa, marry a villager named Xiao Yuchuan.

Even he was surprised, according to the spies who overheard the conversation between Patriarch Xiao Chonghuan and his wife, it was said that Xiao Yuchuan from Wushan Village was his son.

As for why.

He doesn't know either.

At least, when Su Qingyue made a choice, she didn't want fame, fortune and wealth.

Now, he suddenly understood that what Su Qingyue wanted was just a couple for a lifetime.

He smiled slightly, Xiao Yuchuan might not be able to give it to her.

He, Chang Haotian, absolutely can.

Just wait quietly and she will accept him.

Su Qingyue knew that Chang Haotian was hiding in the dark, since he didn't show up, there seemed to be no other movement, so she didn't bother to care about him.

It is rumored that Chang Haotian's martial arts are unrivaled in the world, and no one can beat him.

The reason why he was almost killed by the killer last time was also because he was poisoned by the seven-day heartbroken powder.

She has observed him, he walks steadily, breathes introvertedly, he is indeed one of the best masters.

If she didn't poison, she might not be his opponent.

However, for someone like her, Su Qingyue, as long as she can win, it doesn't matter what she does.

She glanced at Chang Haotian's hiding place, took lotus steps, and walked in the direction of Qinyuan.

Chang Haotian caught her gaze and froze for a moment.

I thought it was unnoticed.

It turned out that she knew that he was hiding in the dark.

With his martial arts, as long as he deliberately hides his tracks, no one will find him!

It's not easy for her to notice it.

There was a playful smile on his lips.

This woman, he is determined!
It's just that he really should go to catch up on sleep now.

Coming to Longwan Town from the capital, and deliberately rushing ahead of Patriarch Xiao in the capital, he was indeed tired.

It's just that I didn't expect that Xiao Chonghuan, the head of the Xiao family, not only came by himself, but also brought his wife. The two of them were in a carriage, and the journey was much slower.

When he couldn't see Su Qingyue anymore, he made a light effort, and his figure disappeared in Xiao's mansion.

Su Qingyue went back to the wing room, sat cross-legged on the bed, put her hands on her knees, palms up, and began to condense her true energy and practice her inner strength.

Ancient martial arts masters flew over the roof and walls, but no matter how good she is, she will not be able to 'fly', and she will suffer too much.

Even her handmaid Yinzhu's qinggong is very good.

Fortunately, after learning the internal strength for so long, her internal strength is considered normal now. With her skill, there are very few people in the world who can beat her.

Now she feels more and more the importance of strength.

(End of this chapter)

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