Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1379 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law confront each other 1

Chapter 1379
Xiao Yuchuan nodded, "Because of this, father often quarrels with mother, always telling mother that he is also his own son, and does not understand why mother is so partial. Mother always says that I am unlucky, that it is wrong for her to marry father. Dad picked up a big deal, and dad can't control mother. But after I was ten years old, for some reason, dad didn't treat me well, just like mother, he started beating and scolding me, and often didn't give me enough food."

"That's because father and mother had a hard fight, and father slapped mother on the face. Father said mother shouldn't treat you harshly. In fact, mother secretly changed the baby in the swaddle, and even father didn't know about it. Therefore, father I have always been very kind to you and protected you. When we quarreled that time, mother couldn't help but tell father about it. After father knew that you were not his own, he treated you like mother and treated you badly." Xiao Qinghe Sighing, "At that time, I was only five years old. I was playing hide-and-seek with other children. I hid in the closet. I didn't expect to hear my parents talk about it. Originally, I was young. , I didn’t have such a deep impression, but I was discovered by my parents, and my mother forced me to tell this matter to no one. I was afraid, so I didn’t dare to tell. Later, when I was older, Mother mentioned this matter several times, and each time forced me to swear that I must never tell the outside world, otherwise, our whole family will suffer a terrible death. When I grow up, I understand what's going on, and I also know that even my mother If you don’t force it, you really can’t say it.”

The guilt in his eyes deepened, "Although my mother secretly changed the child back then, she thought Master Xiao and Mrs. Xiao didn't know about it. She was deeply afraid that this matter would be exposed, and the real third brother would be in danger. She was also worried that Master Xiao would deal with him. We are from the Xiao family. It is also a coincidence that the surname is Xiao. The difference in this family background is one sky and one earth. For the safety of the whole family, I can only wrong you, third brother."

Xiao Yuchuan fell silent.

"Third brother, I'm sorry for you. I know your life experience, and I know that you are a young master born with a golden spoon in your mouth, but I can't tell it out for the sake of my family." He was helpless, "Originally, I planned to bury this secret in this life." It’s in my stomach. It’s just that I never expected that Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao knew it a long time ago. And they actually have their own considerations. And my real third brother, who went to the Xiao’s house in the capital to enjoy the glory and wealth for more than 20 years, still Became your scapegoat."

After a pause, he continued, "A few days ago, when I heard that my real third brother Xiao Jingyuan had died, I felt lonely and uncomfortable, but I also felt that it was his fate and I could not blame others. Although I knew that Master Xiao and Mrs. Xiao I will find you, it is meaningless for me to keep it a secret, but because of the heavy oath I made back then, I still cannot tell you about your life experience."

"Fourth brother, you are really hiding something." Xiao Yuchuan smiled wryly.

"I'm not a talkative person. When the whole family's life is on it, I can't say it." He said painfully, "Third brother, our father and mother were killed by bandits, and both died. That time, they went out A while ago, it was said that they were going to work in a rich family’s house in other places. In fact, parents couldn’t help but secretly went to see the real third brother. It was a long way to go to Wushan Village. They were unlucky and couldn’t come back when they encountered bandits. "

Xiao Yanshan also recalled what happened back then, "I said, before my parents went out, the family was not short of rations, why did they go to work in other places, I told them not to go, they must go, and they scolded me .It turns out... alas."

(End of this chapter)

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