Chapter 1419 Just pay half of the money

Xiao Chonghuan almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

Shen Yun's face was also pale as paper, "Master Chang..."

Seeing Chang Haotian's displeased eyes, he lowered his head when he remembered that he didn't like himself to interrupt.

"Master Chang, you are too dark!" Xiao Chonghuan knew that this was not a joke. With more than 20 taels, it would be no problem to buy it for the entire poor town. If he really paid so much for board and lodging, he would not die in peace. .

"It's such a profit to borrow money from the owner of the villa." Chang Haotian asked kindly, "Why, the Xiao family wants to borrow?" He ordered the guards who had been waiting quietly behind him, "Chang Feng, prepare your pen and ink."

"This subordinate will go back to the mansion to get it." Chang Feng turned around to leave.

"No need. Isn't Qing'er's mansion ready-made?"

"It costs money to use it..."

"My owner has a lot of money." Chang Haotian looked rich and powerful, "I'm not as stingy as owner Xiao. How much was the green vegetable that the owner ate at Zuixianlou last time?"

"Back to the owner, two taels of silver." Chang Feng answered truthfully.

"Where is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by Liu Yuchu in Beijing?"

"Back to the owner, 30 taels a set."

"How much does the owner charge for a tailor to make a set of clothes?"

"From 200 taels."

"And so on, food and lodging in Qing'er's mansion is really cheap." Chang Haotian sighed, "Qing'er's family only charges half a tael of silver for green vegetables, ten taels of osmanthus cake, and 50 taels for making a set of clothes... so cheap, Qinger Son, why don't you raise the price?"

Chang Feng felt depressed when he heard that, Su Qingyue was simply asking for a price.

Last time, the owner of Zuixianlou went to eat the green vegetables and asked for two taels, which was a tipping fee.Liu Yu retired from the palace, and usually only rests at home to take care of the elderly, so he doesn't make cakes easily, and invites him to go to the house to make cakes alone, of course it costs 30 taels.As for the owner's clothes, the tailoring fee is 200 taels. The owner hired the top embroidery material from the most famous embroidery shop in the capital, so the price is naturally high.

That is the environment and the situation are different.

Su Qingyue is slaughtering people like pigs.

It was also the first time he knew that the owner of the villa could also play word games.

Even though he thought so, he didn't dare to say it out as a servant. He went against his master's will, and his skin was peeled off.

"I, Su Qingyue, am a fair businessman, so the price will not go up." Su Qingyue said modestly, "Master Chang, Guizhuang is the largest villa in the world, so my little mansion naturally dare not go with your consumption." At the same level. I don't want such a high interest rate, lest Patriarch Xiao can't afford it."

Xiao Chonghuan's beard was crooked with anger, and he really wanted to be angry, who can't afford it!

Seeing Su Qingyue's calm and breezy appearance, she doesn't seem to care about money, he thinks she is just a provocative way to wait for him to jump into the pit, so he won't be fooled!
He simply held his breath and remained silent.

Su Qingyue was still waiting for Xiao Chonghuan to double it, but this old guy is also a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. In order to save money, he didn't even fart. I didn’t receive any of them, how about this, Patriarch Xiao just wants to give a few thousand taels, and make up a total of 11 taels of silver.”

Xiao Chonghuan was furious, if Su Qingyue hadn't touched his acupuncture points, he would almost be unable to stand still, "According to what you said!"

"Master!" Shen Yun called out in alarm.So much money is outrageous, how can it be cheap for a bitch surnamed Su.

"If you don't pay, will you chop off your hand?" Xiao Chonghuan was furious.

Su Qingyue kindly reminded, "If Mrs. Xiao is willing to chop her hands, then she will pay half of the price."

(End of this chapter)

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