Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1587 As long as you are willing to press

Chapter 1587 Can You Stand It

For a while, the three of them were laughing and laughing in the study, which was very happy.

At this time, a servant hurried over, reported a few words to Su Qingyue, and then retreated.

Yinzhu didn't know what to say, but just sighed, "Miss, I didn't expect that after more than five years, he would come to the capital."

Curiosity flashed in Xiao Ye'er's eyes, "Mother, who was Aunt Yinzhu talking about just now?"

Su Qingyue said calmly, "He is mother's apprentice, named Xiao Qinghe."

More than five years ago, she left Longwan Town. She established her own intelligence eye loop, so she naturally knew about Xiao Qinghe's situation.

Qinghe had been guarding the Xiao Mansion in Longwan Town that she had spent money to build. After living in seclusion in the mansion for about two years, she started to open a small pharmacy and ran the pharmacy for about three years.

For more than five years, as far as she knew, countless matchmakers in the town had been rejected by him.Over time, everyone in the town knew that Qinghe was waiting for a woman, a woman who could be said to be his master, his former fiancée, and his next sister-in-law.

Everyone knew that he was waiting for Su Qingyue.

Because Qinghe has more than 30 mu of land in Wushan Village, a residential house, a house in the town, and good medical skills. Although he is paralyzed, he is handsome and handsome, and he is infatuated. Then more women married him.

In order to get acquainted with Qinghe, Wubing pretended to go to see a doctor countless women, but he declined them all one by one.

To be honest, five years is a long time. If Qinghe hadn't been so devoted to her, with his character and talent, he would have been able to marry another wife, and even have several children.

For Xiao Qinghe's deep affection, Su Qingyue actually felt a little guilty in her heart.

"Miss, why do you think Fourth Master came to the capital?" Yinzhu was puzzled.

Su Qingyue thought for a while, "If he can give up waiting in Longwan Town, he probably knows that I'm in the capital."

"But, your whereabouts can't even be found in Lihua Villa, so how could fourth master know?"

" whereabouts have already been leaked. It's not necessarily true." Su Qingyue couldn't figure out why anyone would want Qinghe to find her.

In the past few years, Lihua Villa has been looking for her, and has never given up until now, but there are no clues.

She didn't want to face Chang Haotian.

For the power of Tianji Pavilion, she is run by a woman disguised as a man and wearing a human skin mask.

Even when Yinzhu goes out with her sometimes, and she asks Yinzhu to put on proper makeup when she dresses up as a man, usually no one will pay attention to a follower.

It's not that she has transvestism, but if she hadn't been like this at the beginning, she couldn't get rid of Chang Haotian's entanglement, and the Xiao family couldn't let her grow in power, and would try to break her wings.

If at the beginning, her power was indeed far inferior to that of the Xiao family, it would not be difficult to block her way.

Now, she has grown stronger, and the first and second big families are on the same level, so it is different.

"Miss, do you want to see Fourth Master?" Yin Zhu asked somewhat worriedly.She wasn't worried about Miss, but besides her, not only Fourth Master, Third Master, Second Master, even Chang Haotian didn't know that Miss already had a four and a half year old son.

As for the young lady's cronies who later built her position to know about it is another matter.

Now everyone in the house thinks that Miss is a man, the father of the young master.

As long as the young master has outsiders, he will call the young lady 'father'.

If the fourth master knows that the young lady has a child, I don't know if the fourth master can bear it after waiting for so many years?
(End of this chapter)

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