Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1607 Crush on Valley Lord 2

Chapter 1607 The son is really filial 2
Ye'er waited for Su Qingyue to drink the porridge. Seeing that there was still a bowl in the bowl, Qingyue asked, "Son, do you want to drink some too?"

"My son is not hungry. If mother is willing to feed me, I will eat."

She smiled and picked up the bowl, and fed him spoon by spoon as he did before.Suddenly, she remembered when Ye'er was just born. At that time, the whole body of Ye'er was red and tender. It took two or three months for her red and tender skin to gradually turn white. Feed him milk.

Because she was very busy with her career, she only breastfed Ye'er herself for two months, and then the nanny breastfed him.Later, when Ye'er was three years old, she dismissed her nanny.

I remember that when the nanny was dismissed, Ye'er was crying endlessly.

The nurse was very kind to Ye'er, but she was actually reluctant to part with it.It's just that the Tianji Pavilion she created not only manages the largest cultivation and sales of medicinal materials in the world, but also the number one drug dealer in the world. It also operates several mines, sells tea, and opens brothels...

What's more, the Blood Fiend Tower she secretly established is already the number one killer organization in Jianghu.

If Ye'er wants to inherit her career in the future, then, she can't be too emotional, and she can't be too dependent on someone.

When it's time to be cold and unfeeling, never show mercy.


Not to mention the people who are coveting the power and wealth of Tianji Pavilion, Ye'er may not be able to control even the killer organization of Xueshalou.

Although he was only three years old at the time, he was a little genius, and his IQ was higher than that of a three-year-old child.

Calculating based on intelligence, his thinking is at least equivalent to that of a seven or eight-year-old child.

It's time to focus on nurturing.

That time, Qingyue scolded Xiao Ye'er severely.

Ye'er is more sensible now, even though he is only four and a half years old, at least he has the thinking of eleven or twelve years old.

He didn't let her down either. He did a good job in the medical courses, accounting, and martial arts that she assigned.

"Mother, what are you thinking?" Seeing her mother in a daze, Xiao Ye'er waved her little hand in front of her.

Su Qingyue came back to her senses, "I was thinking, when Ye'er was just born, she was still a little kid, now she is so big."

There was a sweet smile on Xiao Ye'er's face, "If my son doesn't grow up quickly, I will always make my mother worry about it, so my son should be bigger."

"Haha..." Qingyue couldn't help laughing.

It's really hard to start a business non-stop for so many years. Every time I go home, I see Xiao Ye'er's innocent and cute face, and she feels very happy and relaxed.

With a son like this, she, Su Qingyue, feels that her life is complete even without a man.

It was time to practice medicine, Xiao Ye'er finished his porridge, even though he wanted to stay with his mother for a while, he reluctantly left and went to the pharmacy.

Not all the courses are taught by Su Qingyue herself. In terms of medical skills, she sometimes teaches him, and more often, she invites doctors with excellent medical skills to teach them.

In the future, when Ye'er is older and the average doctor can teach her, she will teach her more in-depth medical skills in person.

Yinzhu cleaned up the dishes on the table, and when she turned back, she saw her master in a daze, "Miss, why are you always in a daze today?"

"Is there?" Su Qingyue recovered.

"Yes." Yinzhu asked cautiously, "Are you thinking about... Young Master... thinking about Xiao Yuchuan?" Almost made a mistake, Miss didn't like her calling Xiao Yuchuan Young Master.

But she felt that there was no man in the world who could be worthy of her young lady, but the young master was Xiao Yuchuan's own flesh and blood. If it was said which man the young lady was with, Xiao Yuchuan was more qualified.

(End of this chapter)

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