Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1679 Returning to Beijing 1

Chapter 1679 Shaken 1
"Xiao Yuchuan, don't force me." She said sullenly, "If you do this again, don't blame me!"

"What do you want?" Xiao Yuchuan didn't mind her threat at all, and gestured towards his chest, "Do you want to give me another sword? It doesn't matter, I'm happy if you stab me a few times."

He gently tugged at her sleeve, "Daughter-in-law, stop making trouble, I can tell that you don't want to kill me. Can't we get along as husband and wife?"

She really had a headache, "Xiao Yuchuan, why do you think I'm making trouble out of no reason? I've never been such a person. Really don't call yourself a couple anymore. You can't keep yesterday..."

"Don't talk so profoundly, I'm not educated and can't understand." He was upset, "You and I are husband and wife, husband and wife, husband and wife, important things have to be said three times!"

Three black lines floated on Su Qingyue's forehead, isn't this the verbal cicada that modern people love to say? "Why do you know important things to say three times?" Does it have something to do with modern times?

"Because you always can't remember, I have to repeat it and say it hard!"

Qingyue understands, this idiot third brother is an out-and-out ancient antique man, and accidentally said some modern people's 'slogan', "I admit that I really don't want to kill you. However, I can leave the valley, the big deal Qianjiecao, I don't want it anymore."

"I poisoned you, and you haven't got the antidote..." He tried to keep her.

"Xiao Yuchuan, although I have read a lot, don't lie to me. Cultured people don't like to be deceived." She looked calm, "If you really poisoned me, you would be dead by now. What you gave me was not poison, but a kind of tonic, it just had the illusion of being poisoned, and after a few days, the medicinal properties would slowly disappear. Do you really think you can fool me?"

He looked at her pitifully, "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind, you didn't misunderstand me. I'm not willing to poison you, even if I poison myself, I won't poison you." He grinned, A mouthful of shiny white teeth, "You know that I didn't poison you, but you haven't left yet. Save me, it means you have me in your heart."

Su Qingyue was silent.

He carefully stared at her expression, and only dared to say in a low voice, "Daughter-in-law, I was not a good husband-in-law before. I made mistakes. Tell me, and I will definitely change. Give me a chance, please? Please." , I lied to you, that was a last resort, I was stabbed by you, if you don't take care of me, it doesn't matter if I die, I am afraid that I will never see you again. I am afraid of losing you, I am really Extenuating circumstances."

"Go live next door, let me think about it." She said lightly.He was right, in fact, to him, in his heart, it was somewhat special.It's just that time has passed, and she regained her feelings, but she still doesn't fully trust him.

There are some things that need not just be said, but actually performed.

She didn't want him to misunderstand that she was having an affair with another man in the future, and he couldn't do it without guessing.

If he hadn't accused him of having an affair with Chang Haotian more than five years ago, she would not have admitted it sadly.

She really lived well without him, and she really didn't feel the need to change anything.

This pestering dead man.

Sometimes when she gets angry, she wants to kill him, thinking that he is a fool.

But... the existence of little Ye'er reminded her that he was Ye'er's biological father.

(End of this chapter)

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