Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1681 How can I have a son?

Chapter 1681 Deal with Fu Qiu
"Under normal circumstances, any man who knows that he has been used will not be reconciled." Fu Qiu almost concluded, "Yang An is too fond of Wei Qingyi, and his subordinates heard about it from the servants of Poison King Valley. For more than five years, even though he knew that Wei Qingyi loved Xiao Yuchuan, he still had his heart set on her. Some men are so idiotic, they know it's impossible, but they still fall into it..."

When he said the last sentence, he didn't dare to look up at her.

He was talking about Yang An's feelings on the surface, but in fact, he was talking about himself with a pun.

Since Su Qingyue was sitting, even though he lowered his head, he could still see the bitterness and complexity in his eyes, her face turned serious, "Fu Qiu, between you and me, there is only mutual cooperation. You become My left and right hands help me to grow faster. When my power is full enough, I will help you clear up your Fu family's strange grievances. This year, it's time."

"Thank you, master." There was gratitude in Fu Qiu's eyes.Although he trusts her a lot.Her ability is rare in the world, which makes him admire.On the one hand, he believes that she has the ability to avenge and rehabilitate his family, however, his bloody feud is unusual, not to mention that after so many years, the enemy family has already destroyed the evidence of the crime, so there is no hope of revenge.

He has no choice but to trust her.

He knew that the master found out his feelings for her and was already displeased, so he said, "Please rest assured, the master, this subordinate will put away any thoughts that should not be there."

"That's fine."

"You go back."

"Yes." He did not forget to tell him, "Master, please be careful of Yang An."

She waved her hand, signaling that she understood.

He went out.

There is a wider courtyard outside the small courtyard of Qinyuan. Fu Qiu stood outside the courtyard and waited, not daring to be too far away from his master.

He was worried about Yang An, and he would never let anyone hurt his master.

The night breeze was blowing, and he couldn't help but think about five years ago...

He became obsessed because of his eagerness to achieve success in his practice.

It was she who saved him who was dying.

With his high martial arts, there are few opponents in the world.Such a proud and arrogant person like him will definitely not be used by anyone.

His identity was not known to anyone, but she knew about his past and found out her identity.

Later, he found out that when he was in a mad state, he was talking about revenge in his coma and revealed part of the information, so she found out about him.

No matter how good his martial arts are, his family's enmity is not just as simple as killing the enemy.

He is powerless to revenge.

She promised him to be faithful, and when the time was right, she would help him rehabilitate him.

She just said, "This year is the time."

He was a little excited.

However, the enemy has already lost all the evidence of the crime, and he doesn't know how she will vindicate him. In short, now, he can only trust her.

He couldn't help but glance at the wing room next to her, where Xiao Yuchuan lived.

He could feel that this was a man who could not give up on his master and had feelings for him.


He can only keep it in his heart forever.

In the next few days, Su Qingyue and Xiao Yuchuan were relatively peaceful. Although he did not share a room with her, he still pestered her every day.

And there was news from the drug testing room that An Fen outside Yang An didn't seem to be very sad about Wei Qingyi's death.

Many servants in the valley wanted to intercede for Yang An, but they were afraid that the valley owner would punish them, so they refrained from speaking.

The sword wound on Xiao Yuchuan's chest was almost healed.

He had developed a new poison, and with the medicine bottle in his hand, he sent someone to escort Yang An over.

(End of this chapter)

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