Chapter 174
"Daughter-in-law, you haven't said yet, what do you want these poisonous spider fluids for?"

She said coldly, "You don't need to know." Since she is leaving tomorrow, there is no need to tell him that she wants to heal the sores on her face.

She poured the slag from the clay pot into the stove, and when the fire was on, it would be burned to ashes. After washing the pot with water, she poured the poisonous spider liquid from the bowl back into the pot.

Wash the previous bowl again.

Xiao Yuchuan just stood by the side all the time, she glanced at him, "Do you have nothing to do?"

"Yes. I'm going to sell something." I have to make clothes for her in a hurry, so that she doesn't have any clothes to change and always wears his clothes. He doesn't mind, but he always sees her wearing men's clothes that are too big. Chang, it is not convenient for her to walk.

He suddenly thought of something, "Daughter-in-law, when you changed my clothes, the only clothes you had were washed and the panties were washed, so you didn't wear any men's clothes when you put them on?"

She gave him a blank look, "Nonsense!" God knows how she, who used to be worth nine figures, is so poor that she doesn't even have money to buy underwear.

He couldn't help but get up distracted, "Then... how does it feel to be rubbing your clothes?"

"It's cooler." Don't think about what she said to seduce him, "Hurry up and sell your goods."

"Hey." He responded, "Daughter-in-law, stay at home and wait for me to come back. When my husband makes money, I will buy meat for you."

Her expression became a little emotional.

What a simple sentence.

I made money and bought meat for you.

Xiao Yuchuan calculated that he had to make money as soon as possible, so that he could buy some good-quality cloth for his daughter-in-law to make obscene trousers and bellybands.

Su Qingyue saw Xiao Yuchuan coming out of the utility room with a load of baskets. On one of the baskets was a large wooden tray slightly larger than the basket. Cloth, needle and thread, round fan, and a small bag of salt.

"Daughter-in-law, stay at home and don't run around." Xiao Yuchuan confessed worriedly.

Su Qingyue only said, "You go. Even if I go out, I will only wander around."

"Daughter-in-law, why don't you go to sell goods with me..." After thinking about it, I think it's inappropriate, "It's better, I'm not only selling goods in this village, I'm not only selling goods in this village, even if it's only half a day today, I will go back and forth If you walk a long way, you will be tired if you are tired. You must not run around, when I come back, I will see you first."

She felt that his exhortations were very warm, but she pretended to be impatient and said, "Whispering! Go quickly."

He finally carried his burden and went out.

Su Qingyue looked at the back of him carrying the burden and going away, her eyes were a little blurred.

Xiao Qinghe looked at his daughter-in-law's confused eyes through the half-closed window, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes, as well as that complicated decision.

Maybe the third brother didn't know, but he understood that the daughter-in-law was leaving.

My heart hurts dully.

How much he wanted her to stay, but for her, it was best for her to leave this home.

Su Qingyue sighed, took off the two pieces of bamboo clamped on her right wrist, and threw them away, and moved her right palm. The fracture of her right wrist before was almost healed, as long as she didn't pull it hard, she would be fine.

She tidied up the house, yard, kitchen, inside and out, front and back.

Xiao Qinghe watched her busy in and out, passing by the figure outside the window of the second residence from time to time, feeling warm and deeply reluctant in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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