Chapter 1801

"I even got the imperial decree..." Xiao Chonghuan shook his hand holding the tea cup, "Yue'er, why on earth did you want to overturn the case?"

"I think General Zhao has been wronged."

"So simple."

"That's right." Su Qingyue would not be so stupid as to say that it was a deal with Fu Qiu.Fu Qiu is still waiting for the crime, and it has been confirmed by the court that he will be beheaded immediately.Even if there were rumors that Zhao Mingcheng was not dead, no one knew that Zhao Mingcheng was Fu Qiu.

Xiao Chonghuan didn't believe Su Qingyue's words at all, and he still spoke earnestly, "Yue'er, you know that the person who collected the evidence of General Zhao's collusion and traitorous country back then was your eighth uncle. If you want to reverse the case, you will embarrass your father-in-law and me..."

"If I don't overturn the case, I will be embarrassed." She said indifferently, "Tianji Pavilion is entrusted by others, so of course it has to do it."

"But if something happens to your eighth uncle, the Xiao family will also be implicated." Xiao Chonghuan glanced at Xiao Yuchuan with piercing eyes, "Chuan'er, is the Zhao family wronged? It's been so long, Chuan'er, are you Xiao Yuchuan?" The only future heir of the family, don't let your daughter-in-law do stupid things. You persuade her."

Xiao Yuchuan felt that this old fox really spoke better than he sang, and if he really wanted him to take over the Xiao family, would he not even let him touch half of the power and accounts within the Xiao family?He shrugged, "I can't persuade her to support her decision."

"Manly man, if the daughter-in-law at home doesn't listen to you, who will listen to." Seeing that the persuasion would not work, Xiao Chonghuan put on an old face, "Daughter-in-law, I will order you today as a father-in-law to immediately stop this case."

"Patriarch Xiao's air is really big." Su Qingyue gracefully put the teacup in her hand, "Why, you don't want to continue pretending to be a good father-in-law so soon?"

Xiao Chonghuan's eyes were full of sinisterness, "If you are obsessed with obsession, then don't blame me for being rude!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up angrily and walked out of the hall, just in time to be bumped into by Xiao Ye'er who was running into the hall.

"Ouch!" Little Ye'er cried out in pain, her small body fell to the ground, and she fell to the ground, accidentally, she lost the hair rope that tied her hair, and the hair on her little head was messed up. open.

Xiao Chonghuan hated this little bastard so much, he pretended to help Ye'er up, and saw that there seemed to be no birthmark in his hair with sharp eyes, he quickly reached out and brushed Ye'er's hair away...

Xiao Ye'er was startled, just as she was about to cover her hair, it was already too late.

Xiao Yuchuan stood up from the chair and walked over, tied Ye'er's hair back with the hair tie for him.

I thought that Xiao Chonghuan would get angry or ask something on the spot.

He just left without a word.

Xiao Yuchuan hugged Ye'er and sat down on the chair next to Su Qingyue, "Daughter-in-law, just now Xiao Chonghuan saw that there was no birthmark on Ye'er's head."

"I saw it." Su Qingyue sipped the tea in her cup.

Ye'er was anxious, "Father, mother, is something wrong with your son?"

"Ye'er, it's none of your business. The fall was just an accident." Xiao Yuchuan patted Ye'er's back reassuringly, "With Xiao Chonghuan's shrewdness, sooner or later he will try to check if there is a birthmark on Ye'er's head of."

"That's true." Qingyue agreed.

"Mother, what should we do now?" Ye'er was so anxious that he was about to cry.

Su Qingyue analyzed calmly, "On the one hand, Xiao Chonghuan thinks that I am stealing, and that Ye'er is not the third brother's real son. On the other hand... if he doesn't think there is a problem with my character, then he will doubt the third brother's background."

(End of this chapter)

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