Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 1821 Gongsun Yanli's Abacus

Chapter 1821
Then, Xingcui put her newborn child at Xiao Hai's house.

This happened after the conspiracy of exchanging and exchanging.Therefore, what Xingcui strangled to death was indeed the real son of Xiao Hai and Yang Xuelian.

Xinggu was very shocked, she didn't understand why her sister did this!

Only then did Xing Cui tell the reason.It turned out that the poor man she met back then who lied to her was Xiao Hai. She hated Xiao Hai, and also hated Yang Xuelian who robbed Xiao Hai.

Xiao Hai caused her to have an abortion, and she wanted Xiao Hai to pay off the debt!
She thought that Xiao Hai paid off the debt by raising her and Changfu's son.

Xingcui threw the baby in her arms on the ground in the suburbs, and the swaddling clothes wrapped around the baby were scattered. It was a dead baby, "This is Xiao Hai's son, dead. I was in Xiao Hai with Changfu's son. Home. Yang Xuelian and Xiao Hai will not know that the child is not their own. Xinggu, my good sister, I know that you want to take care of my son and Changfu’s son personally, but you can’t redeem yourself. The wife has done so many bad things that hurt people, she will not let you redeem your body, if you insist on redeeming your body, she will kill you. You can only stay by Shen Yun's side for the rest of your life, and she will stay under her nose. You live."

"I can't take care of you, but sister, you can take care of your and Brother Changfu's child!" Xinggu was still so shocked that her jaw almost dropped.

"I can't do it anymore." Xingcui shook her head, "Sister, I'm not afraid to tell you that Brother Changfu doesn't love me, but he treats me well. Do you know how I have the money to follow me so far? I have 2000 taels of silver. He said that he also gave you 2000 taels of silver. He also said that he will not marry me as a concubine in the future, but wants me to be his equal wife with you. He will love me and you for the rest of his life. I never I have met such a good man, I love him, since he died, I have dreamed of him coming to me every night. I am going to leave with him..."

"Sister! What nonsense are you talking about! Brother Changfu is dead, how can you go with him..." Seeing her sister's crazy and bewildered expression, Aunt Xing was very anxious.

"I want to be blessed, I will go to the underworld to find him..." Xingcui took out half of a pancake from her sleeve pocket, "This pancake is wrapped in arsenic, and I ate it and mixed it with it on the way to meet you." Arsenic cake. I told you about Chang Fu's son and I being placed in Xiao Hai's house, and I can leave without any worries."

Black blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, and the black blood in her mouth kept gushing out.

"Sister, you'll be fine, sister..." Aunt Xing cried loudly.

Xing Cui covered her mouth, "Don't... don't cry... If it wasn't... for Brother Changfu's child... I wanted to go with him when Brother Changfu died... Now , lived so... long, enough... too much..."

"elder sister……"

"Xinggu...don't be sister just went down to accompany Brother Changfu...don't blame me, I didn't want to tell you that I love him...if he was alive, I wouldn't be able to say it for the rest of my life...I don't want to affect your relationship , but he... is dead. I will go with him, you have to... live well, if you have a chance... go to Wushan Village to see my poor child with Brother Changfu..." She looked at the green hills around her, " In this wilderness, you dig a hole...and bury Xiao Hai's son and I...I don't know it, I don't know it. Also, I still have a lot of silver notes on me, and I rely on these Changfu brothers to give me money when I was alive. You can only follow me with the banknotes, and you take the rest of the money before burying me..."

(End of this chapter)

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