Chapter 196 Second Brother Overwhelmed
His heart was heavy and heavy, and he was really afraid that his wife would come in to say goodbye to him.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The daughter-in-law said that if she wanted to leave, she would definitely tell him, and if she stayed, she would say nothing.

What did she not say just now?
You mean you want to leave, can't bear to say?or something else?
He couldn't help looking at the kitchen in front of him from the open window.

The daughter-in-law said that she would discuss with the third brother before deciding to stay. The third brother was cooking in the kitchen, but there was no other reaction. It is estimated that the daughter-in-law has not told the third brother, otherwise the third brother might be so angry.

I feel uneasy.

There is bitterness in his eyes.

After Xiao Yanshan had finished handling the two hares, he salted them, washed his hands, looked around for his wife, and went to the main room without seeing anyone.

The main room was not lit, the windows were not open, and it was pitch black, so he called out when he entered the room, "Yue'er!" Seeing the figure sitting on the kang, thinking that she couldn't hear her, he felt stupid and wanted to Only when she speaks in front of her face can she understand.

Su Qingyue sat on the kang, and when she heard her second brother's voice, she reflexively responded, "Second brother?"

Xiao Yushan didn't expect his daughter-in-law to respond to him in the dark, and he didn't expect that she was no longer deaf. She only made a sound when she saw him.

He closed the door of the room, walked up to her, and reached out to undress himself.

When Su Qingyue saw the dark shadow of her second elder brother in front of her, who was as tall and strong as a giant, she immediately felt a great deal of pressure.

The second brother's figure is really macho.

He was pulling at his belt again, and her expression changed slightly, she didn't know whether it was in anticipation or fear.Second brother wouldn't want to take advantage of the stingy cat to cook, and play hooligans to her at this time, right?Otherwise why would he take off his clothes?
Could it be that she misunderstood the second brother, the second brother is not as stable as the surface, but a wolf through and through?
She clenched her fist without any trace, if he really dared to use force...

Xiao Yanshan took off his shirt.

She shot out sharply, "Second Brother, don't come here...I...I..."

Xiao Yanshan's attention was all on Su Qingyue, he didn't notice that there was a stool in front of him, he accidentally tripped over the stool, and fell forward, just on the kang, lying on Su Qingyue's body, pressing So she also fell on the kang.

The wolf is coming!That weight directly hit Su Qingyue dizzy, she pushed her second brother's strong and flat chest with her small hands, sticky with sweat.

She spoke with tears in her voice, "Second brother, I'm not such a casual person..."

Xiao Yanshan was at a loss, and quickly stood up, "I'm sorry, Yue'er, I accidentally fell down just now... Are you injured anywhere?"

"Second brother, you are too irresponsible!" You want to be a wolf and flop.She frowned slightly, "How can you fall when you're good? Don't tell me your legs are weak."

Xiao Yanshan pointed to the overturned stool beside the kang, "I was tripped."

She looked up at the dark shadow shape, it was indeed a stool, "So what? What are you doing undressing?"

In order to avoid her resentment, Xiao Yanshan was reluctant to give up,

(End of this chapter)

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