Chapter 208 Help Her Comb Her Hair

"Second brother, let me do it." She has been in Xiao's house for so many days, cooking a meal is nothing, and since she stays in this house, she can't be a rice bug every day.

She put some thin firewood branches and dead grass together, picked up two flints and knocked them a few times, sparks flew everywhere, and the dead grass ignited. She moved the small fire pile into the stove and skillfully put the big roots The firewood is put into the stove and put on the kang.

Xiao Yanshan looked at her lighting the fire, and for some reason, he always felt that even if she held a stick of firewood, she was extraordinarily beautiful.

When she came back to her senses, she saw that she washed the big pot on the stove, scooped rice from the rice vat into the pot, scooped water from the water vat and mixed it into the pot, and stirred and washed the rice in the pot with a spoon for scooping rice. .

Xiao Yuchuan stood at the door of the kitchen, staring blankly at his wife's movements, "Daughter-in-law, why do I think your cooking posture is so beautiful?"

Su Qingyue paused when she washed the rice, and Xiao Yuchuan said again, "You didn't even look at the shape of my mouth. You must not hear my husband's compliments on you."

Xiao Yanshan paid attention to the pause of his daughter-in-law, and was a little suspicious, could the daughter-in-law hear it?Seeing that she didn't respond, I felt that I was being paranoid.

After Su Qingyue finished cooking, the water in the water tank also bottomed out.

Xiao Yushan took the initiative to go out with two empty buckets to fetch water.

Seeing that his second brother had left, Xiao Yuchuan walked behind Su Qingyue, and put his arms around her waist from behind, "Daughter-in-law..."

She froze, and just about to scold him for not moving his hands and feet, she promised not to touch her, why did she forget?
He untied the cloth rope that tied her hair, and combed her long hair with a comb, "Daughter-in-law, your hair is not as dry and yellow as it was a few days ago. I thought your skin was scorched, but I saw it. The skin is white. You don't even know, as soon as I close my eyes, I think of you..."

She almost cursed.

His voice was soft again, "Fortunately, you are a deaf person. If you don't look at my mouth, you won't know what I'm talking about. Otherwise, if you heard what I said, you wouldn't scold me."

His words were swallowed by her cursing.

There was a bit of grievance in his voice, but the movement of combing her hair with the comb was extremely light, as if it would break a strand of her hair, "Daughter-in-law, you don't know, I was making your clothes last night, At the same time, I was thinking about you not wearing any clothes, embroidering in the middle of the night. I was so tired that I couldn’t open my eyelids, so I was forced to fall asleep. When I fell asleep, I dreamed all night. I dreamed that you were naked and hugged me ..."

She heard that her face turned from red to green, this bastard, she won't hug him!

The gentle action of him combing her hair made her feel his love and affection, and felt that this man was not bad if he was a dirty man.

She's a little complicated inside.

From her previous life to this life, it was the first time that a man combed her hair.

Xiao Yuchuan helped her comb her hair, then tied her hair with the cloth rope from before, turned her body around, looked at her flushed face, "Hey, daughter-in-law, why are you blushing?"

She glared at him, "My face is so dark, how could it be red. You are wrong."

He scratched his head, "Hey, I said daughter-in-law, you always stare at me. Obviously you stare at me the same way, why do I think your staring now is a bit different... like a spoiled child..."

(End of this chapter)

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