Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 22 I'm not easily tempted

Chapter 22 I'm not easily tempted
Su Qingyue saw his expression of being happy for a while, and calmly going to die for a while, thinking that his pig's head was swollen and stupid, so she couldn't help being happy again.

"Daughter-in-law, are you so happy to hear that I will not force you to kiss you?" Xiao Yuchuan was very satisfied, "Look at you smiling like a... like wild vegetables. Forgive me, you really don't look like a flower, Say you are a wild vegetable on the side of the road, at least you can't kill people if you bite it. Daughter-in-law, you don't know what you look like... It's okay, okay, I'm afraid you will be sad if you say you are ugly. My adults have a lot of words. I won't sell you anymore, and I won't sell you again. You can stay at Xiao's house and be my wife. Let's talk about it first. If you want me to kiss you in the future, you can beg me. If you don't beg me, I will I don’t want to kiss you!” As he spoke, he handed over the willow branch in his hand.

Su Qingyue took it this time.She knew that there were no toothbrushes in ancient times. The ancients usually used fresh willow twigs, bitten off one end, and used them as toothbrushes.

I didn't pick up just now because I was waiting for him to give her something similar to toothpaste. Of course there is no toothpaste here, so it would be good to give her something that can clean the mouth.

I saw Xiao Yuchuan carrying two buckets of water into the kitchen and pouring them into the water tank, scooped up another scoop of water with a wooden ladle, picked up another willow branch, walked into the yard, swallowed his saliva, and began to carefully clean the water. tooth.

Su Qingyue stared at him the whole time, just brushing with the bitten willow branches mixed with water, nothing else is useless, isn't this too economical?
Look at this family is poor enough, and it is normal for others to save money.

She knew that some ancient people used salt instead of toothpaste.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you staring at me like this? Knowing that you are handsome, you like me?" After cleaning his teeth, Xiao Yuchuan grinned at her. Although the pig's head was swollen, the shiny white teeth were shining and neat. very.

Su Qingyue thought of her sticky teeth that hadn't been brushed for a long time, and seeing his bright white teeth, she was so jealous that she wanted to pull out his teeth and put them in her mouth... Ahh!
This kind of thinking is bad, thinking of putting other people's teeth in her mouth... her scalp is numb, and she is just thinking about it out of jealousy.

Starting today, she will take good care of her own teeth.

I raised my hand and looked at a willow branch the size of chopsticks in my hand. How could one be enough?At least ten.If I had known that I would not have sat in the yard waiting for this brat, I would have picked one for her, wasting her time.

Turning around and walking out of the courtyard, Xiao Yuchuan saw her swaying back, "Oh! Wife, you are still shy. Look at you walking, your small body is still swaying from side to side, seducing me. First Statement, I am not easily tempted, you have to work harder."

Su Qingyue couldn't hear, otherwise she must have had cramps in her ears. She didn't seduce him, she walked a little slowly due to internal injuries, she trembled twice, she was misunderstood so deeply by him.

Xiao Yuchuan put the wooden ladle back into the kitchen and followed her, "Where are you going? I'll accompany you."

Su Qingyue just stopped, turned her head, and pointed to the willow branch in her hand.

He thought she stopped after hearing what he said, but he didn't expect that she couldn't hear him. Looking at her movements, he asked, "You want to find this? Don't you have one in your hand? If you want to find it, you can find it." Right. There are a lot of willow trees by the river beside the village. There is also a willow tree by the well in the middle of the village. You are injured, so don’t go too far, let’s go to the village well.”

(End of this chapter)

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