Chapter 222 Snake

With a flick, she was thrown out of the gate of Xiao's courtyard like an object.

Now there is no outsider in the room or in the yard.

The villagers watched Su Qingyue's actions outside the courtyard, and were so surprised that they forgot to speak.Liu Zhengshi has always been unpopular, and no one helped her.

Wang Cuihua stood at the gate of the courtyard, "Qingyue, do you need me to stay and help you?"

Li Gui also recovered from his stupefaction, "I can also help..."

Men and women couldn't tell what to give and what to accept, in front of so many people in the village, Su Qingyue didn't want the villagers to think that she had something to do with Li Gui, so she just said, "Thank you Brother Li for your kindness, Cuihua will stay."

When she was doing acupuncture for her second brother, she just needed someone to decoct the medicine.

Wang Cuihua hurried into the yard.

Su Qingyue added, "Brother Li, please let someone inform Cuihua's husband so that he doesn't have to go to Dr. Sun."

"This..." Li Gui couldn't figure out what Su Qingyue was thinking, seeing that she had just treated Xiao Yushan's wound, her movements were swift and professional, as if she was a doctor.He took a look at her, since Xiao Yanshan brought her back from the town, every time he saw her, he felt that she was very calm and calm, with an indescribable attraction.It's not like he hasn't seen her before when she was in the village.

So much has changed...

Obviously she is still her.He promised, "I will send someone to tell Zhou Fuquan."


"It's a trivial matter." In fact, Li Gui really wanted to stay. At this time, Qingyue, a woman from a family, must be very helpless.Also because of the crowd, she also rejected his proposal and had to leave first.

When people in the village heard that Qingyue was not allowed to call a doctor, someone said, "Why is Su Qingyue so poisonous? You don't ask a doctor for the second and third child of Xiao's family. If he dies..."

"I guess she also wants to save some money. I heard that Chuanzi has to take a few taels of silver medicine every time he faints. Brother Xiao's appearance and complexion are clearly hopeless... A poor family's saving Nothing..."

"I'm afraid she is uneasy and well-intentioned. She just wants the Xiao family's man to die so she can run away..."

No matter what others said, Su Qingyue just closed the courtyard door and went back to her room.

Today's luck is considered good, among the herbs she picked are several plants named Aesculus Aesculus.

This medicine can not only be taken orally or applied externally, but also can treat wounds, sores, trauma, snake bites, etc. It has a wide range of curative effects and can be described as a very good medicinal material.

She originally planned to mix it with the poisonous spider liquid to treat her own face, so it's important to save the second brother first.

Among the medicines that were applied to the wound by the second elder brother just now, the main one is the seven-leaf and a sprig of aescin.She found a few more pieces, mixed them with some other herbs, estimated the amount and gave them to Wang Cuihua, "Go and wash them for me, boil five bowls of water into one bowl of water."

Wang Cuihua realized, "Is this medicinal material?"

"Well, it can reduce swelling and relieve pain, clear away heat and detoxify, and I took it orally for my second brother."

"I'll go right away." Wang Cuihua took the medicinal materials and rushed to the kitchen. When she entered the kitchen, she was startled by a snake in the corner of the kitchen and screamed, "Ah!"

Su Qingyue rushed over, "What's wrong?"

"Snake..." Wang Cuihua pointed to the thick-armed snake with black square patterns in the corner.

"That snake is dead." Su Qingyue saw it when she was pounding medicine in the kitchen before, "Just use the small stove for decocting medicine, it doesn't need to be so troublesome to burn the stove."

"Oh." Wang Cuihua nodded in shock,
(End of this chapter)

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