Chapter 225
"I went to school by accident, but I never revealed it because I was afraid of misdiagnosis. Now the Xiao family's situation is imminent, and I don't care about the poor medical skills. I can only be a dead horse as a living doctor." The matter of changing the soul can only be rotten in the stomach, so as not to be used by those who care about it, causing troubles in the future.

"So that's how it is." Wang Cuihua wanted to ask her when she learned it, but to be more specific, Second Brother Xiao hadn't taken the medicine yet, so he didn't say much. He just looked outside the courtyard from time to time, as if something happened.

Su Qingyue said, "Cuihua, you should do your work first."

Wang Cuihua said apologetically, "It's like this. My mother-in-law went to visit relatives, and she won't be back until tomorrow. My father-in-law also went to a field far away this afternoon, and I don't know if he has returned. I originally took Fuwa at home, Xiao As soon as my second brother had an accident, I asked my neighbor to take care of Fuwa. I don’t know if my father-in-law and Fuquan have returned home. Fuwa hasn’t had dinner yet..."

Zhou Fuquan is Wang Cuihua's husband, Su Qingyue knows, Fuwa is probably her child's name, Qingyue is a little embarrassed to hear that, "Then you go back quickly."

"Are you busy all by yourself?"

"I can."

"Alright then," Wang Cuihua was really worried about her family, "I'll go first."


After she left, Su Qingyue took the medicine bowl to the side of the Kang in the room, picked up a spoon, scooped up the medicine and brought it to Xiao Yushan's mouth, "Second brother, open your mouth to take the medicine..."

Xiao Yanshan didn't respond, she fed the medicine into his mouth, and the medicine flowed out from the corner of his mouth again.

Su Qingyue frowned.

It was very hard to find this medicine. She almost pulled out all the medicinal materials from the mountain she went to today.This medicine for treating snake venom should not be wasted.

The most important thing is that the poisoning of the second elder brother is too deep, and it is impossible to just apply the medicine and not drink the medicine.

Xiao Yanshan's lips were twitching, as if he was muttering something.

She bent down to listen carefully, only to realize that he kept repeating the word "Yue'er" intermittently.

She couldn't help thinking of Wang Cuihua saying that her second brother kept calling her by her name in a coma.

There were so many people in the room at that time, and others must have heard it, and I don't know if there will be gossip.

Forget it.

Don't think too much, the key is to let the second brother drink the medicine smoothly.

Su Qingyue put the medicine bowl on the kang, clasped Xiao Yushan's jaw with one hand, and pulled his mouth with the other. The second elder brother just gritted his teeth tightly, and if he wanted him to speak, he would have to be violent.

Thinking of how kind the second brother has been to her in the past few days... This time the second brother went hunting in the mountains in such a hurry that he even brought back the poisonous snake that bit him. Medical expenses owed to Dr. Sun.

The medicine fee was owed by her, that is to say, the second brother was bitten by a poisonous snake this time, and she also had to bear a lot of responsibility. It was she who caused the second brother to become like this.

With that in mind, I can't bear to use violence.

She glanced at Xiao Yuchuan, who was lying on the kang, lying on the opposite side of the table, "I guess you don't want me to hurt your second brother either. I believe you will understand."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the medicine bowl and took a big mouthful of the medicine, and pressed it to Xiao Yushan's lips purely and without distraction.

The second elder brother's lips were neither hard nor soft, and when he moved close to his mouth, he didn't open his jaw, but she had no choice but to stick out her tongue to push his jaw open.

She pressed against his lips, trying very hard to transfer the medicine in her mouth to him,
(End of this chapter)

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