Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 237 Do You Think Brother 4 Is Useless?

Chapter 237
Xiao Yushan and Xiao Yuchuan were also very anxious, as they didn't have five taels of silver at all.The two looked at each other, their expressions were extremely heavy. Could it be that the daughter-in-law wanted to find Li Gui?Since Li Gui wanted to buy a daughter-in-law, he might be willing to borrow five taels, but they would rather lose their house than humble themselves like a daughter-in-law.

People around whispered, "Where did Su Qingyue get so much money?"

Li Cai was standing outside the courtyard, he was splashed with bath water by Chuanzi, he remembered it tightly, "Maybe Su Qingyue is going to sell herself... just like her, she can be sold to someone as a rough envoy, a brothel No one here wants such an ugly look." He didn't even know that his elder brother had already offered 50 taels of silver but failed to buy anyone.

"I think the Xiao family is conscientious enough. As long as they sell Su Qingyue, not only will they be able to pay off the debt, but they may have a few taels left. Seeing what the Xiao family means, they won't sell the house without it..."

Su Qingyue ignored everyone's comments, her expression was as indifferent as water, "Grandma, I will return the money to you today. You want to swallow up the Xiao family's house at a price of more than four taels. Are you afraid that you will lose your life?"

Granny Sun slapped her thigh and yelled loudly, "Why don't you take it? Xiao's debts are paid, and you still want to kill the creditor? Listen, everyone... Not only does the Xiao family want to renege on their debts, Su Qingyue doesn't want to Murder! Everyone judges, how can anyone not pay back the money after a grace period, and still be so arrogant! Oh, hey, it is simply unreasonable!"

Grandma's daughter-in-law, Sun Chen, also yelled and yelled with anger on her face, "The Xiao family will not pay back the money they owe, and they will default! These days, you can't borrow money from others. If you borrow money from others, not only will you not pay it back, but you are kind. The creditor who borrowed money was almost murdered, what kind of world is this!"

The two mothers-in-law and daughter-in-law were crying and howling, and the villagers looked at each other, and some people started to talk about the Xiao family, "Poverty is not a reason for repaying debts..."

The three brothers of the Xiao family are green and iron, and they are a little ashamed.

Su Qingyue looked at the playful faces of the Sun family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law like a monkey. If she really killed a few people, it would be effortless, but she wanted to be an ordinary person and would not kill people at will. Some things don't need to be done. Violent solution.

She nodded, "Yes, being poor is not a reason not to repay the debt. I also think it is only natural to pay the debt. The Xiao family has never thought of defaulting on the money owed to the Sun family. The six liang of silver owed to Dr. Sun is now The 20 days have not yet come, and just the night before yesterday, my second brother returned the family's only savings of one tael and ten copper coins to Dr. Sun. This is enough to show that the Xiao family has the sincerity to take the initiative to repay the silver taels. Everyone knows the Xiao family's Not to mention the current situation, my second brother is in trouble, my third brother just fell ill, and now the two main forces of the family have fallen. For those of us who are sincere in paying back the money, most people will see this situation and will tolerate it for a few more days Grandmother-in-law won't allow it, and she is afraid that we will not pay for the reason. Just wanting to get a house worth more than 20 taels and [-] taels, this is taking advantage of the fire and robbing, and it is a greed that cannot be tolerated."

Her voice was clear and sweet, and everyone present nodded frequently when they heard it. Everyone thought that the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family had a surprisingly pleasant voice, and her words were well-organized and logical, unlike the two shrews of the Sun family.

"The daughter-in-law of the Xiao family is right. It's not that she doesn't pay it back, it's that she didn't for a while..." Some people really couldn't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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