Chapter 241 Daughter-in-law Literacy
The medicinal value of the dried snake powder is mentioned again.

Everyone still thinks it is too expensive, Qian Zhang wondered, "Is it so magical? You are not a doctor, how do you know that the five-step snake powder has so many uses?"

Su Qingyue said, "It's like this. Huang Lao Xiucai in the village saw me pitifully before he was alive, and often secretly taught me to practice calligraphy, and I could read. Huang Lao Xiucai secretly collected a medical book and gave it to me. I secretly broke off a tree branch and practiced calligraphy on the ground, and read the medical books quietly, and then I understood some medical principles. I just learned the usefulness of the five-step snake powder from the book."

She accidentally heard that there was an old scholar Huang in the village who died a few months ago. What about the down house.So when she heard about it, she thought it was reasonable to explain her knowledge of medicine and literacy.

Anyway, there is no proof of death, and no one can find out anything.

Everyone was surprised.

Mrs. Qian Zhang asked, "You mean, you not only understand medical principles, but also can read?"

"Yes." She nodded.The last time she went to town, she discovered that traditional characters were used in ancient times, and traditional characters are not difficult for her at all, "I ran away for three days last time, and I met a hidden doctor with excellent medical skills outside, and that doctor also He taught me a lot of medical skills, and I feel that my medical skills have improved a lot under the doctor's guidance. I have also cured a few people for free, but it is a pity that the other party is poor and did not give money."

I can't confess that I came from time travel, so I can rationalize the medical skills a little better.

Qian Zhang didn't believe it anymore, "Su Qingyue, how could you be a doctor and know how to read, don't lie."

"Who lied to you?" She was serious, okay?

"If you really know how to read, you will know by taking a test." Qian Youfa took out a jade pendant that was not bad, and asked Su Qingyue, "Do you see what words are engraved on the jade pendant?"

She glanced at it, "Qian Youfa."

Mrs. Qian Zhang waved her hand, "Hey, Qian Youfa, your family heirloom jade worth one or two taels of silver is worn every day, and the whole village knows that your jade has those three characters written on it."

Wang Agou took out a letter, "Daughter-in-law of the Xiao family, what is written in this letter?"

Mrs. Qian Zhang said with a smile, "Hey, Wang Agou, isn't there no one in your family who can read? Where did you get the letter from?"

Su Qingyue took the letter and opened it. The handwriting on it was twisted and crooked, and there was not much written content. There were still N typos. She said lightly, "It's a letter from Wang Youde to his father. Liu Anzhen, inside and outside, has found a job as a waiter in the shop, with a monthly salary of [-] yuan. He is also illiterate, so he asked another literate waiter in the store to write the letter for him. He is fine, so let the family not worry. "

This time Wang Agou really believed it, "It is indeed a letter written by Youde. Youde's parents are illiterate, so they wanted me to help find a literate person in the village to read it. The person who brought the letter It is said that Youde is indeed working as a waiter in Liu'an Town, and no one knows about it."

"Wow... Xiao's daughter-in-law is really literate!" Everyone was surprised, and there were many envious and jealous eyes.

Xiao Yuchuan and Xiao Qinghe who lived in the second residence were very surprised, even Xiao Rongshan who was lying in the master bedroom was also surprised.I didn't expect my daughter-in-law to be literate!

Qian Zhang said sourly, "It's really unreasonable. A daughter-in-law who bought it can actually read..."

"That's right, none of us can read, but she can read..."

(End of this chapter)

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