Chapter 250 Do You Think Fourth Brother Is Useless
He just reacted and was stunned again.

She giggled, went to the stove, scooped a ladle of cold water into the pot, and stirred the cold water with the porridge in the pot with a rice spoon.In this way, the porridge in the pot will be thinner, and four bowls can be filled in a while.

He fetched another bowl of water, took a willow branch from a corner of the stove and handed it to him, "Here."

This willow branch was picked yesterday and was not used up.It was too late to pick it today, and the creditor came to the door.Pick a handful of branches, use one for brushing your teeth at a time, and it doesn’t matter if you pick fresh ones again in two or three days.

He looked at her puzzled.

"It's for you to rinse your mouth." She wondered, "Didn't you rinse your mouth before?" It seemed that he didn't see the second and third brothers picking willow branches for him to use as toothbrushes.

He blushed and said, "Yes."

She was curious, "How do you brush your teeth?"

He paused for a moment before saying, "When I washed my face, I washed my hands. I just took a bowl of water and used my right index finger."

"..." She was silent for a moment, knowing that it wasn't that the second and third elder brothers were too lazy to pick willow branches for him, but that people in this era are not so particular. They brush their teeth with their hands a lot, and maybe there are people everywhere who don't brush their teeth , "From now on, be like me and use willow branches as toothbrushes."

"Yeah." He took the bowl and the willow branch, bit off one end of the branch, and began to brush his teeth with a blushing face.

She put a little salt in the palm of her hand with chopsticks, and handed it to him, "It's cleaner to use some salt."

"But... the branch is half brushed, and it's on the center of your palm..."

She was dissatisfied, "You think my hands are dirty? I've washed them before."

"No." He hurriedly explained, "It was a willow branch I used that bit one end, dirty..."

"I don't think so, what are you dawdling about?"

"Oh." He obediently dipped the salt in her palm on the end of the branch he had bitten off, feeling that his wife was very kind to him.

Looking at the calluses on her palms and fingertips, he thought of the miserable days when the villagers said she had to do all kinds of rough work when she was in Zhu's house.Although she didn't do much work in Xiao's house during this time, her calluses softened a lot, but they haven't completely subsided yet.

Originally, he thought that the second brother and the third brother would try their best to treat her well, and would definitely not let her do rough work, but unexpectedly, the two brothers fell down at the same time, and he has always been a useless person.

From now on, her life will definitely be more difficult than in Zhu's house... He couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"It's just a little bit of salt, just dip it once and use it up." She said, "Don't blame me for being stingy, the jar of salt in your second brother's bag is sold. There is only salt in the salt jar on the stove. If you have too much, you should save it for cooking. However, it is not good to use salt, it is too salty, and soon, I will let you use toothpaste."

He swallowed his saliva with a willow branch dipped in salt, and cleaned his teeth with salt water. It really felt much more comfortable. After cleaning his teeth, he wanted to spit out the water in his mouth...but he was embarrassed to find that there was no place to spit out the mouthwash in his mouth. The ground doesn't seem to be doing well.

She had already walked to the second living room, and found a broken earthen jar from under the table beside the kang, it looked like it was used for spitting or something.He took it back to the kitchen and brought it to him.

He was once again moved by her thoughtfulness, spit the water in his mouth into the crock, and took another mouthful of water to spit it in.

Su Qingyue took the jar to the fence in the yard, poured out the water in it, put it back under the table in the second bedroom, and turned back to the kitchen.

He just put the bowl on the stove, and threw the used willow branches into the stove fire.

He hesitated for a while, his clear voice was somewhat lonely, "Qingyue, do you think I'm useless?" I don't even have the ability to take care of myself.

(End of this chapter)

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