Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 255 Su Qingyue Deceived 2

Chapter 255 Preparing to be a Bandit

"How can you not trust my sister-in-law." Zhang Shun said so, but couldn't help counting the copper coins, and when the number was correct, he said hello again, and left with the snake meat tied with grass.

Su Qingyue walked into the master bedroom, "Third brother, how much money is left to be five taels?"

"Borrowed one or two halves of Fuquan, plus the family's two hundred copper coins savings and 490 six coins from selling things, plus four hundred copper coins from the fourth brother, plus snake meat sold for 570 six coins. It’s a total of four taels of silver, 670 and two copper coins.” Xiao Yuchuan frowned deeply, “It’s still 120 eight copper coins away from five taels.”

Su Qingyue was not in a hurry, "Isn't our family's silver needles still available? There are still many more."

Xiao Yuchuan looked at her, "Daughter-in-law, actually, you didn't intend to be a silver needle at all, did you?"

"You're a bit smart." She didn't deny it, "You can wake up today, thanks to my bag of silver needles. And the second brother was poisoned by snake poison, and he needs to take medicine slowly and cooperate with acupuncture. You can't sell silver needles even if you sell the house." Needle."

The atmosphere in the room fell silent again.

Xiao Yanshan made a decision and said, "Yue'er, it's better to sell the silver needle. The snake venom in me doesn't matter, I am strong, and I will recover gradually. The silver needle is exchanged for silver, and the remaining money can be given to three people first. Brother buy some medicine."

Xiao Yuchuan was very moved when he heard that, "Second Brother..." He also didn't want his wife to sell silver needles, but there was nothing valuable in the house anymore, and there was really nowhere to get the money that was left behind.

"Why are you so heavy?" Su Qingyue looked proud, "120 eight copper coins, I'll earn them!"

Xiao Yuchuan looked at her puzzled, "Daughter-in-law, how do you make money?"

She patted her chest, "I drove this mountain, and planted this road!"

Both Xiao Yushan and Xiao Yuchuan were in a daze after hearing this, and Yuchuan stared at her suspiciously, "Daughter-in-law, you said it was wrong. It was 'I planted this mountain, and I opened this road'. You said planting roads and opening mountains , Wrong."

"If you're wrong, you're wrong, as long as others understand it." Does robbery still need to be reasonable?
Chuanzi was distressed, "Daughter-in-law, don't you want to say in the next sentence, 'If you want to live from now on, stay and buy money'?"


He was startled, "Daughter-in-law, do you want to be a robber?"

She asked, "Is there a problem?"

He couldn't laugh or cry, "Daughter-in-law, you have such a small body, let alone being a robber. Standing there, holding a Guan Gong sword is not deterrent. If you really want to be a robber, you won't even know if you are beaten..."

She nodded, "It makes sense. So, I decided not to be a robber..."

Before Xiao Yushan and Xiao Yuchuan could breathe a sigh of relief, she added, "I decided to be a bandit."

Chuanzi asked coolly, "Is there any difference?"

"It's fine for a bandit to rob, and a bandit still steals. It's easier to be a bandit." She rolled up her sleeves and was ready to go out with pride.

"Wait!" Xiao Yanshan hurriedly called to stop her, "Yue'er, are you serious?"

"When am I kidding?" she persuaded, "Second brother, third brother, don't worry. I will be fine. No one can beat me. As the saying goes, a penny kills a good man. I was more than 100 Wen Qian is forcing me, the pressure is more than 100 times heavier, even if unfortunately I meet a peerless master and kill me, I will die well."

Xiao Yushan struggled to sit up, his face was full of anxiety, "Yue'er, don't go. The second brother would rather die than risk your life."

(End of this chapter)

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