Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 316 It Doesn't Matter If You Can't Stand Up

Chapter 316

At this time, I won't pick it for the time being, as long as there is rice to eat.

When she got home, she said she sold half a basket of fish and bought eighteen catties of brown rice, and Aunt Zhang gave two catties.

The three men in the family also had no objection, and said that there was no need to talk to them.

Su Qingyue carried Xiao Qinghe from the master bedroom to the kitchen, and let him sit on the stool, "Fourth brother, do you know how to cut fish?"

"Yes, I'm just not proficient..."

"You'll get proficient slowly." She found out the second brother's pick knife for cutting prey and gave it to him.

She first weighed a load of empty baskets, then put the mushrooms on the table and a pile of mushrooms that had been on the ground into the basket, deducted the weight of the basket, and weighed one hundred catties.

There are no shiitake mushrooms in the baskets, they are all common species such as oyster mushrooms.

The shiitake mushrooms weigh about eighty catties, and she picked them out to dry in the yard outside.

According to modern prices, shiitake mushrooms are much more expensive than oyster mushrooms.She thinks it should be the same in ancient times, so they have to be sold separately.

A total of 220 catties of mushrooms were harvested in two loads, [-] catties were deducted and eaten, and [-] catties were picked out. They were going to sell [-] catties tomorrow and gave [-] catties to Aunt Zhang.With the remaining ten or so catties, she packed it in her own basket and prepared it for stir-frying.

You can fry two catties at a time. Now that you have rice at home, you don’t have to use it as a staple food, and you can cook five meals.

After the table was cleaned up, Su Qingyue put a cutting board on the table, "Fourth brother, after you cut up the fish, take out the roe and liver, and throw away the other internal organs. Throw the cut up fish into the basket. I make fish into jerky."

He took the wooden basin for washing the dishes and put it on the table, "Put the fish roe and liver in the basin." Fu pointed to a few plantain leaves that were spread out in the corner where the mushrooms were previously placed, and now they were empty, "If you don't want the internal organs of the fish, first Throw that, and I will throw it again later."

"En." Xiao Qinghe nodded.

Su Qingyue used iron tongs to dig out the kindling that was burning in the ashes in the stove pit, went to the yard to get some firewood and some dry weeds, put them on the kindling, blew a few breaths, the kindling ignited the withered grass, Slowly burn the firewood, "I don't know how to use flint and steel, and I can't help you in the kitchen every day, so I will keep the fire in the ashes."

In fact, it was easy for her to live in the wild, let alone use a small flint and steel. It was just that she lied to him that she couldn't use it, but she didn't ask him to come to the kitchen to start a fire for a few days, so it was an excuse to say so.

Xiao Qinghe was silent for a while, and said, "I am also responsible for the work at home, as long as it is useful to me, just say it."

She pointed to a large pile of fish on the ground in the corner, "One and a half baskets, all these fish will be handed over to you?"

"Okay." There was a slight trace on the corner of his lips.

Su Qingyue looked at the smile mark on the corner of his mouth, feeling a little sad for no reason.

This is a sensitive teenager.

I always feel that he has a bit of inferiority under his elegant appearance, and he is so happy and satisfied when he is asked to do such a little work.

She recovered and saw that it was completely dark outside.

She lit the only oil lamp in the house in the kitchen.

There are too many things missing in this house. For example, there is only a wooden bowl for washing dishes, but there is no washbasin. Every time she uses the bowl to wash her face, she scalds it with boiling water again and again, but it still feels unclean.

The bowls used are enough, but not enough.There is only one face towel, but there are four people in the family, so three face towels are missing.

There are two bath towels.She uses one for each person, and three men share one, which is also less.

(End of this chapter)

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