Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 318 The little miscellaneous hair is here

Chapter 318 The Daughter-in-law Loves Qinghe

Aware of the staring eyes, Xiao Qinghe looked up at her, and saw that she was staring at him intently, a suspicious blush unconsciously appeared on her pale face.

When I was nervous, the pick knife in my hand cut the fish off the side, and my nail cut off a little bit, but fortunately I didn't cut my hand.

"Hey, be careful!" She reprimanded softly, walked to the table, and took off the little nails that fell on the cutting board, "You are such a big person, what if you get everything?"

Knowing that she cared about him, Xiao Qinghe felt a little happy in his heart.

Su Qingyue thought, it's fart if she loses some nails, she's been tired all day, and she still has a lot of work to do later, if he cuts her hands, then she can't cut the fish for her, a half-baked fish If it is not handled well tonight, it will definitely stink tomorrow. It must be dissected and dried tonight. It would be great to have someone to help.

"It's okay, I'll be careful." His voice was elegant and joyful.

Su Qingyue didn't pay attention to his emotions, and took two burning firewood from the stove kang into a separate decocting furnace, and decocted the medicine that the second brother wanted to eat.

As if thinking of something, she said, "fourth brother, you were supposed to take one pair of medicine every day, but you still have three pairs of medicine left, and I haven't fried it for you these days. Third brother said that if you don't take medicine, it will be very difficult for you." You will feel pain all over your body soon, if it hurts, please tell me. Your medicine is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, so you don’t need to take it.”

Xiao Qinghe nodded slightly.In fact, last night he was in so much pain that he couldn't sleep, and he just endured it. It's hard enough for his wife, and he didn't want to cause her any trouble.The second and third brothers wanted to wake up their sleeping daughter-in-law in the second bedroom last night, but he persuaded them, "It would be great if I could really feel pain all over my body, but I still don't feel the legs."

Su Qingyue also knew that the most troublesome thing was the fourth brother's lack of feeling in his leg, which meant that there was no hope of healing. If he felt it, he might be able to heal it.

She took the hatchet and went to the yard, took six straight long sticks of firewood from the firewood pile, and cut them into lengths of about one and a half meters each.

I picked a place in the courtyard that would not affect the usable area, and inserted three firewood vertically into the ground in a triangular shape. I used a vine to make a hole ten centimeters from the top, and inserted the other three firewood into the ground at the same horizontal line.

She put a long bamboo pole on the joints of the tripods on both sides, and a simple clothes drying pole about 1.5 meters above the ground was ready.

Today she chopped three long bamboos and a bundle of straight long firewood that was more than two fingers thick.

Three long bamboos, one of which she set up a rack for drying clothes in the front yard, and the other two long bamboos, she set up two drying racks in the backyard in the same way.

Only the bamboo she cut is used for the bamboo pole, and the support is the firewood at home. The straight and long logs she cut today are used to build a shelf for drying medicine.

I plan to dry clothes in the front yard and fish in the back yard.

The medicine shelf is also set up in the backyard.

The front and back yards of Xiao's house are very large.

The master bedroom and the second bedroom each have two opposite windows, one window can be opened to see the front yard, and the other window can be opened to look at the back yard.

The reason why the fish are dried in the backyard is that there is a mountain beyond the backyard. If you don’t go around to the Xiao’s backyard to see what is drying, you can’t see it, but there are always people passing by in the front yard.

She didn't want people to see too many things in the house. Besides, the second and third brothers couldn't move now.Although it is said that fish are not worth much, Wushan Village is a big village, and it is inevitable that some people in the village have dirty hands and feet.

It's always right to be defensive.

(End of this chapter)

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