Chapter 326 Xiao Ailiu is cruel

It's just that there is no ready-made one. She waited in the yard of the Zhang family, and Aunt Zhang dug it out.

The land is on the edge of the village, and there is no time to dig it in the evening.

A man who looked about fifty years old came out of the house with a glass of water, "Daughter-in-law of the Xiao family, you are thirsty, you should drink first."

She has been to Zhang's house several times, and the last time she heard this man talking in the house, he was Aunt Zhang's husband, and everyone called him Father Zhang.

"Thank you." She took the water glass and took a sip.

"Xiao's daughter-in-law, Dashan, Chuanzi, and Qinghe are all okay?" Father Zhang asked with concern.


"Qinghe's leg disease can't be helped. Poor young man, he won't be able to get off the ground for the rest of his life." Father Zhang said with emotion.

Qingyue didn't know how to answer the words, so she simply remained silent.

"Chuanzi is a good-looking young man, he doesn't know what's going on, he faints every now and then, and he doesn't know what's wrong with him..."

Su Qingyue thought that the third brother was poisoned, but it's not convenient to say more for the time being.

Father Zhang asked again, "When will Dashan recover?"

"Second brother's snake venom will heal in a few days, but his leg is broken and he needs to be raised for two months."

"Oh, it's really hard for you. You have to support a big family, but how can you live..."

"Father Zhang, don't worry, it's fine."

"Daughter-in-law of the Xiao family, if you have any difficulties, just tell me to your Aunt Zhang. If you can help, you will definitely help."

Su Qingyue was moved, "Thank you, no need."

"You child, why do you keep thanking you." Father Zhang said, "Has Xiao Ailiu ever returned after such a big incident happened to the Xiao family?"

Qingyue froze for a moment, then remembered that Xiao Ailiu was the elder sister of Xiao's parents, and the second elder brother was above him, so naturally he had an older sister, "No." The third elder brother only said that her elder sister had been married for many years and had never returned since she got married, "Maybe she doesn't Do you know that such a big thing happened to the Xiao family?"

"Xiao Ailiu is too much!" Father Zhang was angry when he mentioned it, "After Dashan's face was scratched by Xiong Xiazi, as the eldest sister, she not only did not comfort her, but blamed Dashan for losing her face. You You may not know that the Xiao brothers are capable, especially Dashan, who is steady and honest. They bought two acres of paddy fields before. Xiao Ailiu got married and thought there was no dowry. After discussion, the three Xiao brothers gave the only two acres of paddy fields to Xiao Ailiu was married as a dowry. After she got married, she sold the two acres of land directly, and did not distribute any money to the three brothers of the Xiao family. Since it is a dowry, it is okay for her not to divide it. You said that as the eldest sister, Chuan She fainted at every turn, and Xiao Qinghe's legs were disabled, she didn't even come back to see it even once, it's so heartless!"

Su Qingyue raised her eyebrows, "It's cruel enough."

"It can be regarded as a bit of blessing for the Xiao family. You are a kind-hearted wife, and you haven't left in such a situation. If you were someone else, you would have left early."

She pursed her lips and remained silent.

"By the way, Xiao Ailiu married into Qingmu Village, which is in the past of the town. I will also go to Qingmu Village tomorrow to visit a young friend. Do you want to send a message to your eldest sister? Tell me about the current situation of the Xiao family. Let her come back?"

"That troubles Father Zhang."

"By the way, you're welcome. I'm afraid Xiao Ailiu won't come back. It's not like no one notified her of an accident in the Xiao family before. Chuanzi was ill first, and after Chuanzi passed out, the villagers brought letters to However, Xiao Ailiu couldn't come back, and Dashan personally invited her. It's just that Dashan came back soon, and Xiao Ailiu disappeared. Later, Xiao Qinghe's leg was disabled, so he had to send a message, and no one in the Xiao family went to call her. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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