Chapter 33
This man hates his wife, and the woman hates him, did he take the wrong medicine?
Everyone in the village likes to laugh at his wife and the Xiao family, not for a day or two.He always thought it was nothing, but when he thought of his wife's clear and clear eyes, and now he heard people say something wrong about her, he felt unbearable, "Enough is enough for you!"

Xiao Yushan's face was cold, and his tone was cold.

He was the burliest one in the village, his body was as tall and strong as a mountain, his arms were muscular and powerful, and with the horrible scars on his left face, the villagers were usually afraid of him.

As soon as he kept his face cold, the people around him were so frightened that they didn't even dare to speak.

Qian Zhang's scalp was numb when he saw him, "You... what do you want to do? Do you really want to marry me? I told you first, I will not remarry you. My husband-in-law Qian Duotian , No matter how much money and land is bad, there is land and land, I will not marry into your poor family!"

The Qian family has a large population, and the rations are limited. Sometimes she has to embroider some embroidery and sell it to help the family, so her life is not rich.She was married to the two brothers of the Qian family, so she was nervous, and she was not hungry, but the Xiao family was always too poor to let go.

Qian Duotian was so frightened by Dashan's aggressive aura that his teeth chattered. Looking at Dashan's huge fist again, if he was angry and punched him like that, he would be beaten to death. The aura of beating his wife just now weakened. Hearing what my mother-in-law said again, she hurriedly explained, "Dashan, my wife said that I am only worthy of your wife, that is nonsense, and your ugly wife is worthy of you. I don't like your ugly wife, don't think about it." I really want my daughter-in-law to remarry you. No matter how bad my wife is, she is much more beautiful than yours. If you really want me to marry your daughter-in-law, I will have nightmares..."

Qian Zhang was so moved that she hugged her man with snot and tears, and yelled, "Tada, you are so kind to me! Let's live a good life, don't think about what we have, so as not to embarrass ourselves... "

"Hey, it's better to be my own wife..." Qian Duotian also shamelessly pulled his daughter-in-law's rough hand in front of everyone, and hurriedly escaped before Xiao Yanshan really beat someone up.

The two ran for a long distance with weak legs, and when they turned around, they were relieved to see that Xiao Yanshan hadn't chased after them.

Seeing the couple of Qian's family slipping away so fast, everyone shook their heads and sighed, thinking that they were really cowardly.

Due to the disturbance of the Qian family just now, many people from the village gathered together, and the old lady Wang Qigu immediately told Xiao Yushan about the important matter, "Dashan, you just came back from hunting and you didn't know it? I sold your daughter-in-law. Mrs. Liu only offered three taels of silver at the beginning, but later she raised the price to 17 taels."

Xiao Yanshan's complexion changed, and he asked nervously, "Where is my wife? Has she been sold? Where did she go?"

Wang Qigu waved her hand, "Not yet. Chuanzi is also true. If he refuses to sell for 17 taels, his brain is trapped by the door! Could it be that your daughter-in-law is so ugly that you want to sell it more expensive? Dashan, I see you It's better to be a master and sell your wife directly. How many people in our farms spend more than a year digging out food, except for food and clothing, how can we save any money? It's not easy to leave two or three taels. Food and clothing are a problem. You sold her, minus the purchase cost of 16 taels, and your family still made a tael of silver..."

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(End of this chapter)

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