Chapter 338 Washing the Basket Thirty Times

"Four cents a expensive..." The woman quickly waved her hand, "It's too expensive, green vegetables are only two pennies a catty. I don't want to buy it..."

"Even if it's a catty of green vegetables, are they still raw? If they are fried with oil and salt and seasoning, they won't become second-hand?" Su Qingyue explained pleasantly, "Sister, my bracken, there is something inside. Seasonings such as oil and salt are not expensive, but the process of removing astringent seasoning is expensive. Cooked vegetables are only four pennies a catty, which saves you the process of washing and frying vegetables. Oil, salt, ginger, and garlic also cost money. You can eat ready-made delicious food, which is not expensive.”

She has weighed it, and the four cents a catty is almost as good as the five cents a catty fish. This price is slightly higher, but the advantage is that others will not remove the astringency from the bracken.

Others won't, she will.

The advantage comes out.

She said again, "Bracken will be out of season soon. After a few days, even if you want to eat it, you won't be able to eat it. How long will you have to wait until next year? Seeing that you are well-dressed, elder sister, you are definitely not someone who can't afford it. "

As soon as the woman heard this, her vanity rose, "That's right! It's only four cents a catty, give me three catties."

"No problem." Su Qingyue quickly put a big leaf on the scale, weighed it, and wrapped it with a chopstick of bracken while wrapping it with the leaf, then wrapped it up, and tied the vegetable bag with long grass , "This chopsticks are worth the weight of the leaves."

"You little daughter-in-law is kind in business." The woman happily took a pack of fried bracken and left happily.

One person bought it, and another customer became interested, "Isn't your stir-fried bracken clean? It's packed in a basket..."

"The vegetables are absolutely clean." Su Qingyue vowed, "This basket is used to hold cooked vegetables. I soaked it for a day and washed it thirty times, not to mention," she swiped her chopsticks to the very edge of the basket, " Before loading the vegetables, I put some big leaves on them. Our farmers sell vegetables honestly, and we can’t let customers eat unclean things. I even washed the leaves and grass used for wrapping vegetables for a long time.”

The baskets were washed twice, said [-] times, and soaked for a day, which is pure nonsense, it is important to sell the vegetables.

"Sure, here are two catties." The man nodded after listening.

Next, several characters will be paid for and bought.

There were a lot of people who bought it, and they all said it was delicious and not astringent. Everyone had never tasted this kind of bracken, so Su Qingyue's basket of freshly fried bracken was sold out in more than an hour.

At this time, it was past nine o'clock in the morning, and the morning market was almost gone.

Su Qingyue was carrying an empty basket, and there were heavy copper coins in her sleeve pockets. She didn't need to count them. With her good memory, she also knew that 72 catties of fresh fried bracken were sold today.

Four wen per catty, 280 eight wen.

The remaining 26 Wen paid for the three Wen bus fare, and there are still 23 Wen.

It was still early, and she walked around the streets for an hour, and asked about the prices of all kinds of goods in the town.When people saw that she was dressed in rags that had been washed beyond recognition and had dozens of patches, no one asked her to raise the price, and they basically gave her the actual price.

As for the pharmacy, she first went to a pharmacy and asked the price of several medicines. The store saw that she only asked if she would buy it, so he told her impatiently.

So she went to the entrance of another pharmacy and stood there for a while where it didn't interfere with other people's business, listening to the customers who came in to buy medicines, how much they asked for, and what prices the store charged, secretly keeping in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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