Chapter 348 The First Pot of Gold 5
She stopped and snorted coldly, "I'll sell it to you, 30 taels is a lot."

"I apologize for my behavior just now. I didn't despise you..." Shopkeeper Duan pulled his face down. He is a businessman, and 30 taels is not a lot. Originally, it only cost 20 taels. It is too expensive to buy the recipe of a dish so much.An apology can save ten taels, which is more cost-effective than saving face.

Su Qingyue is determined, "It's a pity that the broken heart needs ten taels of silver to repair. I don't need to talk about bullshit."

"Vulgar village girl..." Shopkeeper Duan really didn't want to buy this village girl's recipe, but recently several distinguished guests wanted to eat this dish. If they didn't, they probably wouldn't come to his restaurant to eat. He is also good at calculating, "In this way, I will give you 30 taels, and you are not allowed to sell the recipe of freshly fried bracken to others."

"I'm still planning to sell it to countless people, waiting to make a lot of money, but the price will be different if you ask for it." She said the number directly, "50 taels. It's not okay to lose even one seed."

"50 taels How much fried bracken do I have to sell to get it back? A vegetarian dish, no matter how rare, is only 450 renminbi. My shop can only sell [-] bowls a day, and [-] renminbi a day. Excluding the capital, in what year and month will the capital be returned?"

"That's it." Su Qingyue quickly calculated, "You sell 450 taels a day, one tael is equal to 50 taels, and you spend 50 taels to buy the recipe of this dish, 88 taels is [-] wen, you are equivalent to Earn back in [-] days, after deducting labor costs, when you earn back your capital in [-] days. In this way, I happen to be tired of selling fried bracken. I will give you a way to make a lot of money. I will not sell fried bracken starting tomorrow. The dish is ready, and I will not tell anyone the recipe. You ask the chef to fry a few large pots of freshly fried bracken every day and sell them at the door of your restaurant. Only your family in the town has this craftsmanship. It must be very popular. Sell a few a day Hundreds of bowls are not a problem, and people will come to your place to eat fresh fried bracken that can only be eaten here, and they will order other dishes, and other wine and vegetables sell well, but bracken does not make money , you also make a lot of money, if it is fast, you may pay back your capital in ten days and a half months. The collateral effect cannot be underestimated, the business in your store is about to explode!"

"Sounds good..." Shopkeeper Duan glanced at her in surprise, "Your way is good, you can settle accounts so quickly... Could it be that you can read?"

"This is none of your business. You can decide whether to buy it or not." She was about to leave impatiently.

"What if you go back on your word and sell the formula to others? Compensate me for double the silver?"

"You'd really think about paying double the money. What if I taught your cook that it was your cook who told me about it and instead framed me?" Su Qingyue said flatly, "I promise you I won't say anything." Get out, I am a weak woman, and I have taken money from your shopkeeper Duan, so there is no need to make things difficult for you. On the contrary, you can resell the formula to make money, but I just taught others to come to you to eat fried fern There are not many people cooking, and you can’t afford the price. You might as well use the recipe yourself. Hurry up and sell the vegetables and make a lot of money every day. To be honest, I don’t have a restaurant as luxurious as yours. You sell it in your restaurant Bracken can be expensive, but I can only sell it in the market. People rely on clothes and horses. I can’t afford it in the vegetable market, so I reluctantly sell it to you. If I have a good store open, I will use this method Use it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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