Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 354 You Said It Was Difficult To Understand

Chapter 354

"Dog's eye." Su Qingyue threw a sharp eye at the owner of the grain store, and entered another store across the street - Sun's Rice Shop.

The shopkeeper of Sun's rice shop was doing the accounting at the counter. When he saw her, he was surprised by her appearance. Although he was not enthusiastic, he still greeted her, "Girl, take a look."

Su Qingyue entered the shop. The shop was very large, and there were several huge buckets in the middle, which were almost full of rice. There were three kinds of rice that she usually ate, one was the brown rice that her family had been eating all the time, and the other was It is ordinary rice like modern rice, and there is also a kind of rice with particularly full grains.

The shopkeeper of the rice shop also came over at this time, "Do you want to buy rice? Brown rice is five pennies, and polished rice is seven pennies."

Qingyue pointed to the rice with the fullest grains, "How much is this one catty?"

"This is the best rice that only rich people can afford. It costs more than ten yuan a catty."

"It's too expensive."

The shop owner knew she was a poor person by seeing her clothes, and all the customers who came here were still polite, "Brown rice is still very affordable."

Su Qingyue asked the price of flour again, seven cents a catty.I asked about oil and salt, but they were the same price as other shops. "I want six hundred catties of polished rice, one hundred catties of flour, and the oil and salt for home use are gone. I can buy fifty catties of oil, thirty catties of Salt." Seeing bowls for sale on the table in the corner of the store, "Buy another twenty bowls."

The owner of the rice store was stunned, "So many?" This is a big customer!Fortunately, I came to say hello, otherwise, if she went to another store to buy it, it would become someone else's business.

Su Qingyue asked with a smile, "Is it in stock?"

The store owner became more enthusiastic, "Yes, as many as you want."

"Buy so much, give me some affordable prices." She is not a wealthy person, so if she can buy things cheaper, she will be cheaper.

"Let me do the math for you to see how much cheaper it can be." The shop owner returned to the counter and quickly calculated, "The total is 330 Wen. You can give me [-] Wen."

"I live in Wushan Village. I can't move back so many things. Can you ask a guy to deliver them for me?" Even if she hired a ox cart, she might not be able to carry it.

"Wushan Village is very far away." The store owner thought about it, "Well, it's 130 cash off, but at most I can give you a discount of [-] cash, and I can deliver the goods to you."

"no problem."

The shop owner said apologetically, "Girl, the guy in my shop went to another village to deliver the goods, and the delivery carriage didn't come back. See if I can deliver it to you tomorrow."

"Yes. However, I also bought a few quilt covers and wadding. Can you ask your buddy to bring them for me tomorrow? I will ask the owner of the cloth shop to deliver the things before tomorrow."

"That's okay, it's a matter of little effort. Just deliver it." The owner of the rice shop was very polite.

Converted into silver, it would be more than six taels, so Su Qingyue readily took out another ingot of ten taels of silver ingot.

The store owner gives change.

The owner of the rice shop across the street saw that the 'beggar' paid so much money, he must have bought a lot of things, a big customer!
Originally, this big customer came into his house, so he really shouldn't look down on others, and regretted it so much that his intestines were green!
After Su Qingyue left her name and address, and took a receipt for the purchase and payment, the owner of Sun's Rice Shop politely sent her out of the store, "Girl, next time you need it, come to my store to buy it." .”

Before returning to the village, Su Qingyue went to tell Liniang again,
(End of this chapter)

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