Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 356 The Singing Girl 2

Chapter 356

"It's good that everyone is not afraid of me." Su Xiao grinned, his smile was like a gust of breeze blowing in the hot weather, refreshing, "Actually, I'm just ugly, I don't eat people!"

"Haha..." Someone in the crowd laughed.

Seeing that she spoke interestingly, everyone laughed. At first they thought she was scary, and no one was afraid of her anymore.

Seeing more and more people watching, Su Qingyue shook her head, with an aggrieved expression, "I think my 'ugliness' can be treated as a rarity for everyone to exhibit, there are so many people who come to see me , I don’t know if anyone will pay for the exhibition fee?” Poor is like this, and they want to make money all the time.

"Hahaha..." More people burst into laughter.Someone laughed and said, "'Scary' still wants to collect money, girl, you can figure it out."

"You said you can figure it out, just think about it." She asked the umbrella vendor, "Brother, how much is this umbrella for you?"

On a sunny day, umbrellas are not easy to sell. The umbrella vendor saw so many people because Su Qingyue noticed her stall and said, "I'll give you a low price, [-] cents."

She pretended to be looking at the umbrella, lowered her voice, and said in a voice that only she and the stall owner could hear, "Brother, I think your umbrella stall business is not good, and you are dozing off from a distance. You sell an umbrella, and you give me two cents. How about it?" With so many people watching her, if she doesn't make some money, I'm sorry for my ugly face.

Besides, although she earned 50 taels, she didn't sell anything after frying bracken. The family was short of everything, and she had to buy everything. She had bought so many things before, and she had already spent more than 22 taels.The money is useless, but it is fun to spend, but it hurts to calculate it!

It was a young man who set up the stall. After listening, although she didn't understand what Su Qingyue was going to do, if she could help sell it, it would not cost much, so she nodded.

Su Qingyue counted 36 copper coins and handed them to him, "Brother, I'll buy two umbrellas."

"Okay." The vendor pointed to a pile of umbrellas on the table, and you picked them.

Su Qingyue held an umbrella under her armpit, held an umbrella in her hand, and said to everyone with a smile, "You all gather here, do you all want to buy umbrellas? Although it's a sunny day, it's a bitch for a man to hold an umbrella, but for a woman Umbrellas are very charming and elegant. When a woman holds an umbrella, even if I am an ugly woman, someone will look back!"

She held an umbrella and walked two steps swinging from side to side, because she is light, sexy, and very thin, she looks very good, and her thin body is pitiful, so don't look at her With her face, she walked with an umbrella in a really graceful and swaying manner, indescribably beautiful.

"Look, sure enough, many people read it." Su Qingyue said, "When it rains, umbrellas are expensive and cost more than 20 yuan apiece. Look at how kind this little brother is, he only sells them for [-] yuan. Anyway, it's raining." It is necessary to use an umbrella, so it is better to buy it early, it is cheap and affordable. Even if it is not raining, it is very sunny, and an umbrella will save people from being burned.”

Pointing to his face, "Everyone, look at my face? Look at my hands? In fact, I was tanned before, and my white skin was tanned to carbon. Girls, big sisters, don't treat me badly. Myself, you can also use an umbrella on a sunny day. And guys, even if you are not afraid of the sun, the ladies in your family are afraid of the sun, and the old mother at home, it is not easy to raise you, you might as well buy an umbrella and go home Dear wife, honor your mother. Do you agree?"

(End of this chapter)

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