Chapter 376 scared to cry
"Second brother is so good at hunting, why can't he go up?" Zhou Fuquan was furious, "I have been brothers with Chuanzi for so many years, and you and Cuihua killed them all!" Come on, "Chuanzi loves his wife very much. He said it's okay to urge him, but he can't urge her. You don't know, I went outside and borrowed half a tael of silver for the Xiao family behind your back..."

"What!" Mrs. Zhou Hu, who was originally sitting on a low bench and washing clothes in a large basin, stood up in shock and anger, "You are lending money to Xiao's family with your father behind my back! The old bone hasn't been pissed off yet, has it?"

"It's better if they are really willing to take it. I gave them half of the taels of silver, but I don't know if they won't accept it." Zhou Fuquan said, "Mother, don't be angry, I have already returned the half of the taels of silver that I borrowed behind your back." Lost."

Wang Cuihua was not angry, "Mother-in-law, my husband did the right thing. Su Qingyue is so capable, and having a good relationship with the Xiao family has only advantages and no disadvantages. What's more, in such a difficult time, the Xiao family did not deny grandma's six Two silvers, it can be seen that the Xiao family is of good character. If it weren't for you, there would be no gap between our family and the Xiao family."

Zhou Hu's akimbo was furious, and Lao Hou's voice was loud, "I am your mother-in-law, but you are talking about me! Is there a daughter-in-law like you!"

"Mother, Cuihua is right..." Zhou Fuquan protected his wife.

Su Qingyue listened outside Zhou's courtyard for a while, and took in everything that the Zhou family said.

I think Zhou Fuquan is a really good person, and Wang Cuihua is also okay, although it is a bit realistic and quite normal.Zhou Hu's is too snobbish.

"Are you at home?" Su Qingyue called out on purpose.

"Qingyue!" Wang Cuihua hastily greeted the gate of the courtyard, "Come in..."

Zhou Fuquan also put down his son Fuwa, "Sister and sister, you are here."

Su Qingyue glanced at the little Fuwa in the yard, and made an excuse, "I'll come and see Fuwa."

"Fuwa, come here and call aunt..." Wang Cuihua hurriedly waved to her son.

Fuwa admitted her life and hid behind her grandma, refusing to call anyone.

In the past, Zhou Hu would definitely call his grandson casually, but now he is thinking about the Xiao family's fried bracken recipe, so he naturally has to establish a good relationship with him, and pulls Fuwa over, "Hurry up!"

The force was a bit heavy, and Fuwa was so frightened that she burst into tears.

"It's okay." Su Qingyue went to the yard and knelt down in front of Fuwa, "Fuwa is good, don't cry..."

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow..." Seeing Su Qingyue's green face, Xiao Fuwa cried even louder in fright.

Zhou Hu felt sorry for his grandson, "Daughter-in-law of the Xiao family, you'd better go away, your face is really ugly, it scares Fuwa."

Su Qingyue stood up, but also helpless, "I don't want to scare the children either."

"Qingyue is such a good person, but Fuwa is a bastard who is not sensible." Wang Cuihua was very embarrassed, "The child is young, don't worry about him."

"Will not."

"Qingyue, you are so kind." Wang Cuihua warmly took her hand.

Su Qingyue felt that she didn't have such a good relationship with her, so she withdrew her hand uncomfortably, "I want to ask, Cuihua, which one do you think looks better, my third brother or my fourth brother?"

Wang Cuihua was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect her to ask this question suddenly, "Of course it's your third brother who looks good."

Qingyue asked Zhou Fuquan and Zhou Hushi again, and they all said Chuanzi was pretty.

(End of this chapter)

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