Chapter 390
"I showed mercy to Mrs. Liu Zheng that day. She was lying on the kang in pain, and her internal injuries were not serious. Don't talk to me about the nonsense that it cost three taels of silver. Her injury can only be laid for half a month, and it will cost at most One and a half taels of silver will do the trick. If you hadn’t said several times that it’s fine and I don’t need to pay, you thought it would be so easy for you and your nephew to get out of Xiao’s house?”

Listening to what she said, Liu honestly was shocked and frightened.Why is Xiao's daughter-in-law so terrifying... She can even see through other people's thoughts.

There were fine beads of sweat all over his forehead, "Xiao's's my fault..."

"The surname is Liu, you just don't deny it!" Xiao Yuchuan became furious, "Liu is honest, I thought you were really honest! Your old eighth woman's injury can't cost half a tael of silver, you are so damn brave to come to my house Three or five two!"

"I..." Liu was honestly speechless.

Xiao Yanshan also had a grim face, "If it wasn't for Yue'er's medical skills and knowing how much Liu Zheng's injury would cost, you'd be extorting money from people in the same village! No wonder even your nephew said it was extortion."

"I don't want to come here either. I was really forced by my mother-in-law..." Liu Laoshi was very ashamed, "These days, the Xiao family has no money, so it's fine for her to complain about me at home. The family got the money for selling bracken, so she hanged herself and asked me to ask for compensation. If she hadn’t had to pretend at home that she couldn’t get out of the kang, she would still desperately want to come with her..."

Su Qingyue didn't listen to what Liu Laoshi said, and went to the utility room to get the wound medicine and mash it into a medicinal paste. When returning to the master bedroom, Liu Laoshi just walked out of Xiao's yard quickly.

Xiao Yuchuan cursed at his back from the window of the master bedroom.

Qingyue re-medicated the second brother, clamped the injured leg of the second brother with bamboo, and tied it up with cloth strips...

During the whole process, Xiao Yanshan did not speak.

"Daughter-in-law, you are really capable!" Xiao Yuchuan kept staring at Su Qingyue, with bubbles of love in his eyes, "Why do you think your little head is so smart? Even Liu Dayou wants to blackmail Liu honestly by [-]% You know about the compensation. Liu Laoshi admitted it just now. Also, your medical skills seem to be very good. You know that Liu Zheng can be cured with only half a tael of medicine money..."

Su Qingyue is not modest either, "If I don't have two brushes, do you think you can still live?"

Xiao Yuchuan's eyes were full of gratitude, "Daughter-in-law, I know you saved my life. At that time, my family had no money at all. I was in a coma for a few days and I would die if I didn't take medicine. If you didn't give me acupuncture every day, Treat my illness, I guess I'll be a corpse..."

"It's good to know." She said coldly, "Then, the grace of saving life should be repaid by the spring."

"I can't repay my husband, I can only promise him with my body." Xiao Yuchuan's face was sincere, and he looked down on death, "I have decided that I will only have you as a woman in this life. In front of me, I will never take a second look. I only look at you, a big ugly girl..."

"..." Su Qingyue was still a little touched after hearing the first few sentences, but when she heard the last sentence, she just wanted to rip third brother's mouth off!
How can the dead third brother make people's mood swings go up to the sky and fall to the ground?

Xiao Qinghe couldn't stand it anymore, "Third brother, don't keep calling Qingyue ugly..."

After Su Qingyue tied the bamboo pieces on the second brother's legs, she stood up and glanced at the fourth brother.

(End of this chapter)

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