Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 455 Stealing Qingyue’s Money 1

Chapter 455
So I rented two vacant houses from neighbor Li Yibao's house to store bracken.The two vacant rooms are the thatched houses built next to the main house of the Li family. They used to be the residence of Li Yibao's parents when they were alive.

People in the village said that Li Yibao was not filial, and he refused to let his parents live in the big house, and drove the old couple to live in the thatched house on the side. After the Li family's old couple passed away, the two thatched houses became vacant.

Anyway, it was vacant, so I rented it to Su Qingyue for twenty yuan a month.

Su Qingyue bought a large amount, and hired someone to make all the fresh bracken collected into dried bracken.

Before going to bed at night, Xiao Yuchuan hooked his fingers towards Su Qingyue, "Daughter-in-law, come here."

She came over, "what's the matter?"

"Daughter-in-law, look at my face..." He pointed pitifully at the place where he fell and bruised in the rain a few days ago, "Will my face be scarred?"

Su Qingyue gave him a blank look.How could such a wound leave a scar? It's just a little bit of skin and flesh, and it's not that the second brother was scratched by a bear. The wound must have seen the bones.

When Xiao Yuchuan died, she didn't want him to feel better, so she nodded solemnly, "Yes. There will be scars, big scars!"

"Really?" Xiao Yuchuan was distressed, "Daughter-in-law, if I lose my appearance and look unattractive, will you despise me?"

"Of course." She nodded.

He quit, "Su Qingyue, don't dislike me!"

"I don't like it." She snorted, "You are disfigured, how can I not?"

"Second brother is also disfigured, don't tell me you also..." Xiao Yuchuan glanced at the second brother who was sitting on the other side of the kang, who was silent, and stopped talking.Seeing that the second brother's face was ugly, he said, "Second brother, I didn't mean it. It's a bad woman like a daughter-in-law. She likes her husband when he is handsome, but he hates her when he loses his appearance..."

Su Qingyue was furious when she heard that, "What nonsense! I didn't like you even when you were handsome. You even look ugly, and I hate you even more!"

Ever since Xiao Yanshan was scratched by Xiong Xiazi at the age of 19, he didn't think much about women. If it wasn't for his two younger brothers, he felt that the Xiao family had no women, so it didn't matter.

After buying Qingyue back from Zhu's house, the third and fourth brothers insisted that he should not be left alone, even if there was only one daughter-in-law, the three elder brothers also recognized her.

Unexpectedly, Su Qingyue in the past made all three of them hate him.After returning from a serious injury in the town, she made them all think that the daughter-in-law was too kind and capable.

Xiao Yushan didn't care about his disfigurement before, but he didn't know when he had cared about his wife's opinion.

I want to ask her, can she accept his left face full of scratches?

He was too inferior to ask her.

He just looked at her with serious eyes.

"Don't hate me, don't dislike me even if I'm ugly!" Xiao Yuchuan yelled angrily.

Su Qingyue didn't care if Chuanzi was angry or not, in fact, the angrier he was, the happier she was.

"Daughter-in-law, hurry up and make me some miraculous medicine to remove the scars on my face..." Xiao Yuchuan was in a hurry.

"What a waste of medicine." She gave him hopeless eyes, "Just take a sip yourself, and just put some saliva on the wound."

Turn around and go out, go to the second bedroom to sleep.

Xiao Yuchuan's bitter words sounded from behind, "Daughter-in-law, does saliva really help..."

Xiao Yushan waited until his daughter-in-law had left, but he didn't dare to ask her what was in her heart, so he fell on the kang with his head sullen, and said coldly, "Sleep!"

Only Xiao Qinghe had nothing to do with him, his elegant handsome face showed no expression.

(End of this chapter)

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