Chapter 457
It's just that the skin inside the scab hasn't fully grown, and if it's torn off, the flesh inside will turn pink. It's best to wait for it to fall off naturally.

However, the dry scab sticks to the face, and I can't help but want to tear it off and touch it with my hands.

I was thinking of buying a bronze mirror.

Modern mirrors are made by chemical silver plating on the glass surface, which is cheap and clear.In ancient times, there was no such developed technology, only bronze mirrors.

Copper is not cheap to begin with, and it needs to be made into a bronze mirror, no matter how small it is, it needs to be as big as a palm.

She had wanted to buy a mirror for a long time, and the cheaper one would cost about a tael of silver. In order to save money, she thought about it many times, but she didn't buy it until now.

Every time she looks in the mirror, she either looks at the water tank or carries a basin of clear water.

Ma is troublesome, and the advantage is that it doesn't cost money.

The scabs on her face showed that her sores had healed, and she was extremely happy.Although the scabs on my face are still disgusting, fortunately, the new skin under the scabs will be able to 'see the light' in a few days.

The rice was cooked on the stove, and before dark, Su Qingyue went to the mountain to chop a two-meter-long straight log as thick as an arm and brought it back.

She knew the height of the second brother, the top of her head was only slightly past his shoulder.

According to her own height, she measured the length from the straight wood to his armpit, cut out a length of less than 1.6 meters, and flattened both ends.

She then cut out the remaining section to a length of about forty centimeters, placed it horizontally, and dug a hole in the middle of the wooden section.

For the 1.6-meter straight wood, she also cut a hole in the round section at the top.

Long and short wood, two holes fit together, she chipped a thick wooden nail and hammered it in, and it became a "ding" like a "ding", except that the "ding" of this walking stick One horizontal line is short, and the lower vertical line is nearly 1.6 meters long, and there is no hook.

After finishing the crutches, she ground the medicine powder she had prepared in advance, and brought it into the master bedroom in a bowl.She hasn't gone to the mountains to collect herbs for many days. The medicines she collected before have been dried on the medicine shelf. For the convenience of application, she made powder and mixed with some water.

The second brother took anti-venom medicine for a few days after the snake venom subsided. The snake venom has no effect on him. He only needs to heal the injury of the broken leg and take the medicine every day.

The three men in the room sat on the kang.

Su Qingyue squatted down on the edge of the kang where Xiao Yushan was sitting, and took apart the two bamboo boards that fixed his left leg. The two bamboo boards were originally used by her to pinch her wrist injury. They were too small, and she had long ago replaced them with ones that fit his legs. The big bamboo piece was injured, and he changed the medicine skillfully, and then fixed the bamboo piece back.

"Yue'er, the last time I got off the kang, you said at the time that I could get off the kang in ten days." After changing the medicine, Xiao Yanshan remembered to move, "It's been more than ten days now..."

She raised her head in a squatting posture, and saw the beard on the face of the second elder brother. He hadn't shaved for many days, and his face was full of beards. He looked like a fierce gangster, but this man was overwhelmed by her arrogance I have to be obedient and have not left the kang for so many days, "I said at the time that I should leave the kang for at least ten days. If you raise more, there are only advantages and no disadvantages."

"It's been more than 20 days in total, if I don't get off the kang, I'll be suffocated..." Xiao Yushan's thick black eyebrows frowned deeply.

"Who made the second brother have such a difficult time. Wait..." She turned and left, picked up the crutches she had just made and entered the room.

Before Xiao Yanshan could speak, Hanekawa asked, "Daughter-in-law, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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