Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 463 Qinghe Tears of Touching 2

Chapter 463 Yanshan's Abacus

Why is it troublesome to take the vegetables to the master bedroom? It's only a few tens of meters away. The second brother wants to eat in the kitchen alone with her.

It would have been nice if she had been the second brother's daughter-in-law in the first place.

It's a pity that it belongs to the third brother.

She thought about her words, "It's right to care about you. Because you are Chuanzi's second brother, and also my second brother." I hope the second brother doesn't think too much.

Xiao Yanshan's face turned cold immediately, the bearded face looked scary at first, but when his face turned bad, he looked fierce and fierce, as if he was going to kill someone.

If it weren't for Su Qingyue's courage, she would really scare him.

The two ate in silence, and no one spoke again.

Xiao Yanshan was angry and furious. She meant that she only wanted to be with the third brother, not him?
Not even him.

Fourth brother, she won't even glance at it.

Xiao Yushan's sharp eyes narrowed slightly.Thinking in her heart, she shouldn't even think about denying him as a husband.If you push him into a hurry...

Su Qingyue noticed the dangerous gaze of the man opposite, and always felt that the second brother had something bad in mind, so she said awkwardly, "Second brother..."

"Eat!" He roared, obviously caring, but it was as if he had eaten a firecracker.

Su Qingyue is also a person who eats soft and not hard, sometimes she doesn't eat hard and soft, "Why are you so fierce!"

"I..." Xiao Yanshan wanted to explain, but his mouth was stupid and he couldn't say words to coax her.

I can only bury my head and scramble the rice in the bowl in a dull manner.

He made a strong determination in his heart to be like the third brother, to be like the third brother...

To call her daughter-in-law, to make her happy!
After repeating it countless times in his heart, he finally plucked up the courage and called out, "Yue'er, daughter-in-law... daughter-in-law..."

She just finished her meal and looked up at him, "Washing the dishes, right? Second brother, go to the master bedroom and collect the dishes of the third and fourth brothers, and I will wash them together."

It's not washing the dishes... it's the daughter-in-law.He shouted in his heart.

Seeing the indifference on her face, he unconsciously reached out and touched his left cheek. There were several bear-scratched scars. Fearing that she would dislike him, he intentionally grew a beard all over his face to cover the scars.

Tricking herself into making her pay less attention to the scars on his face.

Thinking of the handsome face of the third brother, the little injury that the third brother got on his face a few days ago is almost healed.

The scars on his face were too deep and too long to heal.

Even if he is not disfigured and far less handsome than the third brother, he will inevitably shrink back.

While hesitating, Su Qingyue had already brought Xiao Zamao's dinner and put it directly in the corner.

The little miscellaneous hair has grown up a lot. It was not much bigger than a palm when it was first picked up, and now it weighs about ten catties.

It can not only drink soup, but also eat directly.

Because in the second bedroom, except for her sleeping kang, there are piles of dried bracken.

The little miscellaneous hair's nest has long been moved to a corner of the kitchen, and it is placed next to its nest, and a bowl of water is prepared, and the food bowl is placed next to the water bowl.

"Aw... Aw..." The little miscellaneous hair did not eat immediately, but raised its little head first, and looked at the owner with watery dark brown wolf eyes, as if thanking her for the food, then lowered its head The little wolf eats his head.

Su Qingyue walked up to it and stroked the fur on its back with her hand.The little guy is still very obedient. After so many days, many people came to Xiao's house to sell bracken. At first it barked, but after she scolded it, it knew it was not a bad person, so it stopped barking.

Now everyone in the village knows that she has a mutt dog.

The members of the Xiao family unanimously acquiesced in not explaining that the little miscellaneous hair is actually a wolf.

Let's talk about it when it's bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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