Chapter 47

Afraid of being said to be taking advantage of others, Aunt Zhang and grandma quarreled.

"It's still thirteen coins a catty, and the price will not increase." Xiao Yanshan opened his mouth, and the two old ladies who became more and more noisy stopped talking.

A villager said happily, "Dashan, you are so kind."

Aunt Zhang also said, "Dashan, you are really kind."

Xiao Yushan was noncommittal.He knew in his heart that although he lost a penny per catty, he would earn tens of pennies less in general, but he was not the only hunter in the village, and the other hunters had more or less land. Wild animals can also be hunted from time to time.

From time to time there are prey for sale in the village, and if the cheap one is worth a penny, more people will come to him to buy it.Besides, don't underestimate a penny, as long as it is expensive, the villagers will not be willing to pay more. If it is a penny cheaper, you can sell more. Don't look at the many people, a family usually buys a catty Everyone buys two catties and eats it fast, and generally they are not willing to buy more.

It's about the same.This is why he occasionally sells his prey for a penny or a catty cheaper.

Grandma Sun was satisfied when she heard this, "Dashan, I'll just buy... half a catty."

Villager Wang Agou laughed, "Mother-in-law, you were so noisy just now, why did you only buy half a catty? Before I came here, I heard that Uncle Sun told you that he wanted to buy a one catty. You are deducting food again. ?”

Aunt Zhang told the truth, "Her trick is very clever. Ah Gou, if you hadn't heard that old grandson saying that he wanted to buy a catty, grandma would have quoted a catty for half a catty of meat, anyway. After frying in the pot, his family is not willing to finish the frying in one meal. Put more vegetables and divide them several times, but it is difficult to tell whether you bought half a catty or a catty. This time, six or seven copper coins were deducted. .”

Grandma Sun became furious when she was told, "The Zhang family, you can't get along with me, right? What's wrong with me just deducting the food? I don't deduct your family's food. My grandson doesn't have any objections. Are you so lenient?"

"Hey!" Aunt Zhang slapped her thigh, "Old woman, are you still angry? I don't care about your family's business? I mean, your way of deducting money is very clever. It's too rude to be harsh on your own family." " Shouting to the people around, "The little daughter-in-law and sister-in-law of each family should not learn from grandma! Everyone wants to think that their family has a good meal, but she is the only one who uses her own brain..."

"Hehehe..." All the villagers laughed.Someone asked, "Mother-in-law, you bought half a catty for six cents and a half. Do you still want Dashan to wipe away half the money for you? If you break a copper coin in half, no one will take it. "

Grandma Sun had this kind of thought, she blushed in embarrassment, and denied it, "I'm not such a stingy person, Dashan, you should weigh me a catty later."

While everyone was chatting and laughing, Xiao Yanshan took money from selling wild pheasants and hares, and dragged the [-]-jin roe deer to a corner of the yard, where the terrain was slightly lower than other places in the yard, and he built a simple touring Waist-high stand.On the stand are machetes and pick knives that Xiao Yanshan took out from the kitchen cabinet.

He swiftly and accurately picked off the fur of the roe deer and put it aside. After taking out the internal organs, he threw the roe deer onto the stand, and chopped off the head and limbs of the roe deer with a machete.

"Dashan's fur picking is really a good technique, and it's not damaged at all..." Wang Agou said in admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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