Chapter 477 Pork Fat

If Lai Zi really came to seek revenge secretly, she wouldn't mind, the fourth brother in the family would be in trouble, but since this matter is taken care of, she will make up her mind.

Because she also has a purpose, the 2000 catties of dried bracken and more than [-] catties of bayberry wine at home are still waiting to be sold, and the fame will definitely sell more, which is good for her.

He lowered his head and stepped on Lai Zishou's chest again, narrowing his eyes, "Lai thief, listen to me, if you dare to come to my house to seek revenge, it's not as simple as breaking a leg, I will kill you, hear No!"

"I heard... um... I heard..." Lai Zi gritted his teeth and nodded hurriedly.

There were huge crowds of onlookers, and the big guy was still terrified of Su Qingyue's bench, it really broke people's legs, it was so vicious!It's too fierce!
Seeing that the sun was shining, Su Qingyue got out of the crowd and left.

Grandma Zheng suddenly came to her senses, "Where is Mr. Su? Where did he go?"

Someone said, "It's gone."

"I haven't thanked my benefactor yet..." Grandma Zheng patted her legs regretfully.

The young woman whose gold ingot money bag was returned before was also very annoyed. She was frightened by the benefactor's unblinking behavior for a while, and forgot to be grateful.

Su Qingyue came to town this time with a wheelchair, but unexpectedly, so many things happened.

It's not that she's looking for trouble, it's that something's looking for her.

No matter who told the thief not to steal, he wanted to steal her hard-earned money.

She didn't go directly to Liniang's store, but went to the vegetable market first.

Although my family always eats fried fish, I haven't eaten meat for many days.

she wants meat...

Carrying a wheelchair to buy meat is too troublesome, why not buy a few catties of meat and carry it to Liniang's shop.

Walking to a pork stall, half of the pork that had been processed but not cut into pieces was placed on the stall, and there were several large pieces of meat scattered around.

A wooden pillar is erected on both sides of the outermost periphery of the meat stall, and a horizontal bar is connected to both ends. In this way, there is a row of wooden hooks on the pole, and pig heads and pig legs are hung on the hooks.

The owner of the meat stall is a fat middle-aged man. Seeing her stop and kill people who are used to killing pigs, he is not afraid to see her face, "Girl, you want to buy pork, the pigs that were just killed this morning , the meat is fresh!"

"How much is a catty?"


"Give me two catties." She originally wanted to buy more, thinking that the money would not be spent. In addition to the private money of eight taels of silver, the second brother in the family only had one tael of silver, and she only had four taels of silver in her hand. Save a hundred copper coins.

The stall owner took a heavy butcher's knife and chopped the fat.

Su Qingyue said, "How can you chop fat meat for me? I want lean meat. Is it ten cents for fat meat, and another price for lean meat?"

"Girl wants lean meat? Yes." The stall owner said bluntly, "Most people like to eat fatty meat. I didn't expect you to eat lean meat. No wonder you look so thin."

"..." It turns out that ancient people loved to eat fatty meat, she really didn't like fatty meat, maybe the second brother and the others liked it? "That's one catty fat, one catty thin."

"It's okay!" He quickly cut two pieces and put them on the scale to support them, which happened to be just right.

Su Qingyue said, "Uncle, your chopping skills are more accurate than a scale, and it's not bad."

"Just the basics. I've been selling pork in the market for decades, and practice makes perfect. Everyone calls me pork fat."

Pork fat... Su Qingyue chuckled, "You are really fat."

"My name is Li Biao, and I look so fat, everyone will become fat when they scream." The pork fat handed the two pieces of skewered pork to Su Qingyue with a straw rope.

(End of this chapter)

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