Chapter 495 Second Brother Steals a Kiss
She walked around to the back of the wheelchair, "Fourth brother, there is a 'slope', you turn the wheel hard, I will push behind, and it will go in."

He was disappointed that he couldn't be carried by her, and felt that she was really smart, "Okay..."

With the board just now and two stones added, his hands are strong, and as soon as he exerted his strength, Su Qingyue didn't push hard from behind, and the wheelchair entered the kitchen.

The moment he hit the ground, the wheelchair tipped slightly, but he was ready to sit firmly in the wheelchair.

He thought that in the future, he would carry the door plank stone with him, even if it was the threshold of someone else's house, he could enter it.As long as you practice more on your own, when you pass such a 'slope', you can stabilize the wheelchair without pushing it.

After Xiao Qinghe entered the kitchen in a wheelchair, he took the initiative to bring the basin to the table, and washed the unfinished vegetables in the basin, "Qingyue, you rest, I'll make dinner."

"Alright." She pointed to the three bowls of meat on the stove, "fry the three bowls of meat, there is a large pot of bone soup in the pot, add some ginger and salt, scoop up a bowl, and put the rest in the pot There is also a plate of stir-fried green vegetables. Later, I will fry a plate of braised large intestine. The seasonings at home are all in the stove.” When she made money a few days ago, she bought a lot of seasonings.

"Okay." He nodded.

It was hot, so she wiped her face and neck with a wet handkerchief, and went outside the kitchen.

The little miscellaneous hair is the pile of bones that love it, and the corner of the third kitchen is gnawing on the bones with relish.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's back going out, Xiao Qinghe really wanted her to stay in the kitchen with him, and thought that it was too hot in the kitchen, so it would be good if she went out.

Su Qingyue moved a stool and sat under the eaves of the front yard to enjoy the sunset and the gorgeous sunset.

Let the third brother wash the pigs in the backyard slowly, the second brother will carry the water, and the fourth brother will cook dinner.

She was happy to be free.

The chair she moved had a backrest, enjoying the sunset, blowing the evening breeze, and watching the smoke curling up in the distance.

Although she is still very poor, her heart is very peaceful.

In the evening breeze, she dozed off somewhat drowsily.

Xiao Yushan entered the courtyard with a bucket of water and saw his daughter-in-law sitting under the eaves.

Her petite body was curled up sideways in the chair, her breasts were protruding and her buttocks were raised, and because of her sideways posture, her slender waist seemed to be broken.

The evening wind blew past, her long hair covered the scabs on her face, only the long eyelashes like cicada wings and the straight bridge of the nose were seen.

Without seeing her face, anyone would think she is a beauty.

Xiao Yanshan put down the bucket and approached her gently.

Su Qingyue is a killer, she is very vigilant, no matter how lightly Xiao Yanshan's movements are, she still knows that he is approaching.

It's just that she is lazy and moves.

Xiao Yanshan stretched out his big palms, trying to cover her breasts, but felt that it was too abrupt, so he resisted forcefully, wanting to brush away the hair covering her face, but he was afraid of waking her up.

Her small mouth was crimson and tender, and the shape was so small and beautiful that he swallowed involuntarily.

He bent down and unconsciously approached her small mouth.

Su Qingyue felt the strong pressure getting closer and closer, she opened her eyes suddenly, "Second brother, what are you doing?"

Unexpectedly, she opened her eyes suddenly, he felt guilty, "I..." want to kiss you...

Facing her clear eyes, she couldn't say those three words.

Seeing some broken leaves on her hair, he reached out to take off the leaves, "Your hair has some broken leaves, I'll help you take them off."

(End of this chapter)

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