Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 497: The Business That Was Spoofed 2

Chapter 497 All eyes on wife 1
The washed pig intestines were all placed in the big foot basin, and she said, "Second brother, let's put the water tank in the backyard first. In the next few days, I will buy pigs and put them in the water. Just take the big foot basin to the kitchen. There are Buckets, the water used for cooking can be packed in buckets."

He nodded, and picked up the big foot basin instead.

She was carrying an empty basket, this basket was used to hold unwashed sewage, and now the large foot basin has filled the sewage.

After washing the basket with water, she took it back to the sundry room in the front yard and put it down, and went to Aunt Zhang's house to buy ten catties of garlic and came back.

When she entered Xiao's kitchen, she saw a large bowl of green vegetables, three bowls of fried minced meat, and a large bowl of pork bone soup on the kitchen table, even the rice was served.

"Qingyue, it's time to eat." Xiao Qinghe smiled at her with an elegant and pure smile.

She was taken aback by his smile.

He looked at the bundle of garlic she brought, "This is..."

"In one hundred catties, there are [-] catties of pig bones and [-] catties of pig intestines." She said, "I'm going to get up before dawn tomorrow, fry all [-] catties of pig intestines, and ten catties of garlic It is used as seasoning. Tomorrow, it will be sold in the town."


She walked to the stove, "Tonight, I'll fry a plate of pig intestines and eat it at home."

Sitting on the chair in front of the table, Xiao Yuchuan said, "Daughter-in-law, the pig may not taste good after being washed. There are so many fried pork tonight..."

"I fried the pig's intestines, you don't have to eat them." She said, took a length of washed pig's large intestines, put it on the cutting board and began to cut it.

"Eat it even if it doesn't taste good." Xiao Yuchuan chuckled.

"You must not eat it." She snorted, "Who cares about you?"

"Good men don't compete with women." He cheerfully glanced at the three big bowls of fried minced meat on the table, and said, "Daughter-in-law, the three bowls of meat are all so minced...could it all be scraped from pork bones?" Did you come down?"

"Yes." She nodded while cutting the pig intestines, "These three bowls of meat add up to more than two catties, and the total value is 27 yuan. It cost [-] yuan to buy the bones, and there was a big pot of bone soup. Still a good deal."

Xiao Yuchuan was very surprised, "So much meat can be scraped off the meatless bones...Daughter-in-law, you really know how to live."

"How can the third brother be so careful and careful." She said casually, "Even want to blackmail me for five cents."

"It's the money my daughter-in-law touched. If I have her temperature, I will cheat. Another day, I will not fry my daughter-in-law and 'eat' it alive!"

She glared at him, "The fourth brother is nearby, don't talk nonsense."

The daughter-in-law's attitude made the fourth brother's mind so clean.Xiao Yuchuan looked at the fourth brother's eyes as if they were glued to his wife's body, and felt uncomfortable, "The fourth brother may not be a good guy either."

"He's better than you."

"Don't keep saying that the fourth brother is better than me." Xiao Yuchuan said angrily, "I'm not angry, I'm about to be angry with you."

She agrees, "That's what narrow-minded men are like."

He immediately lost his temper, "Daughter-in-law, who are you calling narrow-minded?"

"What about you!"

"Hmph. I'm ignoring you!" He wanted to strangle her and hug her to death, but his hands and feet were weak, so he could only sit in front of the seat and stare at her.

"I can't wait." She cut the pig's intestines into a width of about 1 centimeters, and then cut some ginger.

Xiao Qinghe took the initiative to take a few from the bundle of garlic she put in the kitchen, washed them and handed them to her.

After she chopped the garlic, the condiments were ready.

(End of this chapter)

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