Sturdy and pretty daughter-in-law Shanlihan

Chapter 551 Yue'er, I'm Worried About You

Chapter 551
"Back when I bought her to be your daughter-in-law with Qi Qi, none of you looked down on her. I was thinking about her ugly appearance. Even if I sold her, even if I added some money, buying another one would be worse than Su's. How about Qingyue? If you want to blame it, you and Qiqi will be blamed. If one of your two brothers takes a fancy to her, how can I sell her?"

Zhu Nengwen was half-dead with anger, "She was like that at the beginning, and it stinks when you get close to her. How could you fall in love with her. Who knew that she would be so white after washing and growing a few taels? Buying another one may not be as good as Su Qingyue So willing to be a cow and a horse."

"Bought by a poor family, why not?" Zhu Mei was calculating, "Anyway, I don't care, when Su Qingyue climbed into your bed, you didn't touch her, and you didn't want her. Now you go and get her Get it back for me!"

Zhu Nengwen was a little discouraged and said, "It's all sold. How can I get it back? Even if I get it back, the Xiao family has Su Qingyue's contract of selling herself. If I get it back, if the Xiao family doesn't do it, she won't be able to become us." family."

Zhu Mei thought about it and said, "You have read a lot, so you don't know how to change things? It doesn't matter if she is from the Xiao family, you go and get Su Qingyue, woman, once you get her body, she will give up You have stepped on the ground. Just ask her to hand over 300 taels of silver to you."

"In case the money is not in her hands, it is given to a man from the Xiao family..."

"Isn't she good at stealing? She's used to stealing. Let her steal the money."

"But if the man from the Xiao family finds out..."

"The discounted one will be Su Qingyue's legs. At most, she will be killed. Our family will just deny it after taking the money." Zhu Mei urged, "Su Qingyue has always liked you, so you must go and get the 300 yuan. Get two." The entire Zhu family's money and fields add up to less than 300 taels.The loss of such a large sum is simply burning her heart and lungs!
Mentioning the fact that Su Qingyue likes him, Zhu Nengwen thought of the time she automatically went to his kang, he didn't touch her because he thought it was stinky, and he would have broken her tender melon if he knew it, "If you don't tell me, the 300 taels are also mine. The contents of the bag..."


On a slope halfway up the mountain, there are many long grasses.

Su Qingyue mowed the grass quickly with a hatchet, Xiao Yushan stood by the side of the mountain road and wanted to come down to help.

She stopped her and said, "Second brother, the slope is not flat. Your leg is hurting, so don't come here. If you fall, or if your legs and feet are too hard, you will be in trouble."

He had no choice but to stand on the spot with a cane and wait, "Yue'er..."

Hesitant to speak.

Su Qingyue actually knew what he wanted to say, it was nothing more than asking her if she disliked it, or consummating the marriage with him or something.

She doesn't want to talk about it.

Xiao Yushan's mind kept flashing through the villagers' words that he was "no way" and that his wife disliked him.

These words tortured him so much that he couldn't even sleep.

He really wanted to cut open her heart to see what she was thinking.

She also thought that she knew he was her husband-in-law, so she wanted to commit suicide by hitting a wall.

He was heartbroken.

Could it be that being his Xiao Rongshan's wife really made her so painful?

He tried to read her thoughts from her face.

But he found that her calm expression made it impossible for him to read her thoughts.

He tried not to force her.

Just let her rest for two days.

He clenched his fist secretly, he couldn't wait for long!

In a short while, Su Qingyue cut two large bundles of grass, cut a long vine, and cut a long straight stick, and tied the two bundles of grass with vines.

(End of this chapter)

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